Chapter 6

"How the fuck did this even happened?" I yelled not believing my eyes.

i am stuck not only in the body of the girl in my dreams but also with her creepy husband all because of a stupid wish?

Yes! i did wish to be her. What a stupid wish right?

Well what would your devastated self would do when your so called father set your marriage with a ruthless and pervert man not to forget he was a bloody prince who would not think twice before killing anyone. i did't even knew him but my father did't listen and said i have done it for your good.

For My Good?! My foot!

He did it for his own good.

That bloody son of a bitch bribed my greedy dad with countless amount of gold plates and asked my hand in marriage only because i embarrassed him or more like showed him that he has no right on me when he tried to flirt with me.

and now because of that stupid man i am here.

I was so lost in cursing that son of a bitch that i didn't even noticed the other son of a bitch standing behind me

"Is my wife thinking about me?"

i jolted and turned my heels only to meet the face of the other son of bitch

Jonathan black!

"I would rather think about a dog than think about you" I snapped gaining a low growl from him

"Clarify which species of dog ?" He asked his voice deadly sending chill down my spine

Wait! dogs has kinds? if they do then.

"the dog which was with your mom last night"

A second didn't even pass of that sentence escaping my mouth and i already regret saying it.

His eyes went blood red and he looked like a beast.

i realized who ever the hell he is and what ever he has done i had no right to say something like that.

" I am sorr...."

Before i could apologize a hard slap fell on my face making me turn 90 degrees.

Did he just slapped me?

i looked back at him his eyes were still blood shot before i could even react i was pinned to the wall with his strong muscular arm around my neck chocking me.

tears scrolled down my cheeks as i stared his face.

He looked like a complete demon.

i tried pushing him away as my body was desperate for air

but he was just too strong

I felt all the energy and strength leave my body as i stopped struggling and was surrounded by darkness.