
Chapter 10

Sandra POV

Suddenly there was a knock on the door followed by a maid saying that the breakfast is ready.

In the moment i thanked God like a million times as Night gave me one last cheeky grin before he got off me.

i quickly sat up and straightened my clothes.

gaining the permission the maids entered with trays filled with so much food and placed it on a table near by. the sight of food made my stomach growl embarrassing the shit out of me

"I didn't knew that last night activities made you this much hungry"

My eyes snapped towards Night as i couldn't believe what he just said.

In front of maids!

The maids blushed and quickly left the room.

"Why the fuck did you said that" i asked furious

"Well didn't you fight with the soldiers and me last night that must have drained you"

He said with a cocky smile.

I was so red from anger i swear i would kill this bastard.

"Enough of the jokes. let's eat something we have to go to your parents home"

Night said getting up.

"To my parents home?" i said or more like asked

"Yes isn't it a tradition for the bride to return her home with her groom"

Sandra mentally slapped herself.

such a familiar tradition even in modern world still she can't remember it.

Well Night is to blame for it

he makes me so dumb

i got up and sat on table started eating not caring that the food was everything but my liking.

it was tasteless to be honest but i forced it down my throat because i knew i would eat Night if i go hungry a bit longer. and i don't want an upset tummy

Night sat opposite to me and had breakfast in silence

After we both had breakfast i got ready with help of maids while Night went to do some work.

After like half an hour we both took a carriage towards what he said my home.



*Enola's home*

we both sat down after greeting Enola's mother and father and her fathers official wife in a garden.

Yes Enola's mother is a concubine.

"Your highness has my Enola been a good wife? "

Enola's fathers official wife spoke whom i learned her name was kim.

what the actual fuck she meant by that?

Enola's mother wanted to say something but before she could Night spoke.

" Lady Kim Enola is more than just a good wife" and looked me with so much affection in his eyes.

Kim showed a disguised expression saying

"i am pleased to hear that because i was a little worried if Enola is worthy enough of your highness!"

Okayyyy! its official i hate kim.

"Lady Kim!" Enola's father yelled

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my torso and i was pulled to my left.

i looked towards Night who gave me a kiss on my forehead and said

"After marrying Enola i think i am not worthy of such a perfect person"

I had to admit my heart flattered at his comment

He was protecting me. something no one has ever done for me except for my father. other than that i was always expected to protect myself.

but he protects just like a husband protect his wife....

what the hell sandra?!

Snap out of it!

he just doing this for his reputation.