
Chapter 18

*Ancient time*

Sandra POV

i jerked getting up.

what the actual fuck

i groaned rubbing my face wishing for this torture to end.

"You okay?"

i didn't jolt as i had already sensed Night's presence.

"Yeah i am fine"

i replied not caring if i had said the worst lie in history.

to be honest i have always told this lie.

when my father was training me he had banished me from saying i am not okay.

because that is what a weakling would say and i am not weak.

i took a deep breath before trying to get up but before i could i was pulled back by a strong force as i landed in Night's embrace.

"What the hell?" i yelled

"don't lie Tell me what's bothering you"

he asked keeping a tight hold preventing me from moving

i tried breaking free but couldn't.

"Tell me and i shall let you free"

he said

i looked him in the eyes for few moments before replying truthfully

"I wanna go home"

He frowned at my answer as it clearly was not what he was expecting for but that's the truth

i wanna go home soooo badly.

Next what happened was not i thought would happen

Night yelled "Prepare the carriage we are leaving"

and hugged me.

"I know coming back here brought a lot of bad memories to you. i know you hate me for forcing you into this marriage but please know that if you are not fine then say it. don't hide it and don't lie about it.

its okay to not be okay.

if you don't want to tell than don't

if you don't wanna show then don't

if you need space then ask for it."

every word that left his mouth was oddly comforting and sent strange feelings to my heart.

I went blank and didn't knew how to reply

what was i suppose to reply?

these words were completely new to me.

"Ummmm....ahhh did ...did you brought me back inside last night"

i asked trying to divert the topic.

Night sighed and pulled away before replying "Yes"

"Thanks" i replied to which his eyes widened

did i said something wrong?

"You actually thanked me?"

he said

there he goes! i rolled my eyes and got up from bed

"Can you please say that once more!" he pleaded like a 4 year old

"No" i said


He started bugging me annoying the shit out of me.

"No!" i said sternly but that didn't stop him as he continued bugging me

Getting pissed i kicked him on the leg and punched him on the chest and to my surprise he didn't dodge any of it but took them as he was waiting for them and fell on the floor making me realize i hit him too hard.

i rushed towards him

"Oh My god! are you okay? why didn't you dodge?" i asked concerned

Suddenly he started laughing

what an idiot i am to have fallen for his dirty tricks

i started hitting him more which he happily took.

the fact that he was laughing was pissing the shit out of me.

So instead of punching him i started tickling him.

Surprisingly he was really ticklish and was laughing like a maniac

"Oh pleas...e stop! please." he started pleading making me laugh.

finally i ended my tickling as we both like laughing like idiots.

he sat up as we both stared at each other for a while and once again burst out laughing

Well i myself am unaware of the reason why we are laughing now

" Do you feel better?"

i was startled by his sudden question

It took me a minute to process everything

He did all of those childish things just to make me laugh and feel better.

But why?

"The carriage is ready" a maid i formed

" I am going to get ready" i said and before Night could say anything i rushed out of the room.