
Chapter 26

*Ancient time*

Sandra POV

"What did she meant by that?" i thought

who is him?

Night just nodded and took a sip of his tea.

"then why didn't you tell His majesty?" Night's mother questioned

Night put down his cup and spoke

"unless i have a solid prove its useless telling anyone"

Nights mother looked....desperate?

but why i wanted to know but for some reasons i couldn't ask.

what the hell is wrong with me?

time passed and conversation went back to normal but my mind was still wondering to who they were talking about.

"Enola! Enola!" i was snapped back to reality by Night's mother calling me.

"Y...yes!" i said

"what or who has occupied your mind darling?" she asked teasingly

"Uhhhh " i was out of words.

where the hell all of my vocabulary went?

"Mom stop teasing her" Night said to which her mother pouted making her look younger

