
chapter 32

My mother had forbidden me to let anyone know of my ability. She believed my skill was too advanced and people would try to use it for bad purposes but one day I was at a market with my mom buying some clothes. There was a lot of ladies at the shop and since the shop was full the workers were quiet occupied.

Suddenly a woman started yelling that her purse was stolen by my mother which was really rude. Apparently she was standing next to us all the time and then she went to check out and found her purse was not with her.

My mother tried settling things by saying she must have lost the purse before and she doesn’t have it but the woman would not let go. She started calling us names and that is when I had enough and stepped in. I asked her when was the last time she saw her purse to which she said before entering the shop.

“ did you run into anyone after entering the shop”

She thought for a while replied

“ yes but that doesn’t prove anything” she said