
chapter 39

I bent down attempting to touch it but before I could I heard someone calling “ Sandra!”

My eyes shot open and groaned. I rubbed my eyes and internally screamed “Can’t these freaking dreams last for little longer for God’s sake!”

“ are you okay Sandra?” I removed my hands from my eyes looked saw Bella standing in front of me.

I sighed and sat up. “ yeah I am just a little tired”

Bella came and sat beside me. “I heard about the accident and immediately rushed here by the way where is John?” She asked

At the bottom of hell I wish. I thought

“ I don’t know” I simply replied. She frowned at my reaction

“ did something happened?” she asked

“ Your brother is an literal asshole!” I replied getting up

“ tell me something I don’t know” Bella said making me smile.

“ he is……weird! He doesn’t communicate with me and is moody. I just can’t seem to handle his childish behavior” I complained

“ what did he do?” Bella asked