
chapter 92

Enola and Aro carefully walked out of the room. They both were on high alert as they were in enemy zone.

“ what’s the way out?” Aro asked

Enola started looking around trying to find out where they exactly were.

“Looks like we are in the basement of the house” Enola had extremely complicated facial expression on her face.

“ so what’s the way out?” Aro questioned

“there is actually one way in and out….” Enola paused.

“and?” Aro raised an eyebrow

“ since there is one way out means that it would definitely be heavily guarded and we can’t possibly get through. And I don’t think we can wait until for john either.

It won’t take long for Sarah to get her consciousness back”

“ so what do we do?”

Aro’s question really puzzled her. what were they supposed to do?

so many things has gotten out of her hands that she can’t gather herself

“Sandra! What are you thinking?” Enola remained silent yet her expressions were telling whatever was going inside her mind.