Chapter Sixteen

Ryan's POV: I'm only a thousand Miles Away, Really

Is distance a funny thing? I guess it is. when the chants of "distance makes the heart grow fonder" overrule the whispers of logic and reasoning, thousand miles don't seem to be a lot. But they are.

Of course, you can feel their presence right next to you, even when they're not, it's all about your heart, really. I am homesick but at the same time, I am not. Dont get me wrong, I do miss home. But its only at moments when I don't know how to make it through the day and I have started to hit rock bottom,

Like the other time, when

I slept past my alarm clock. One ring, two rings? I don't care. My hangover won't call it quits. But the time reality of my condition hit me, I flew out of bed, bolted to my washroom, and rushed to my office. In this process of trying to make certain ends meet, I sometimes forget to eat. I don't have time to cook. And I am hungry. But what choice do I really have?