The College Campus

With everything going so smoothly, the immortal who is now Amon decided to get a job and enjoy life, from the average guy's memory he could tell that the college is filled with beautiful women and he wants to go on a hunt.

But he still needs to do a lot of things, fix his current money problem which he plans to do next, then go to college and become a teacher and get a place to stay.

For the money problem he decided to visit the bank first, he didn't have to walk for long because he found a big bank close by. Since this is the city center most of the main facilities like banks and hospitals are close by.

He arrived in front of the bank and looked at it for seconds before going into deep thought.

'Why the fuck am I even doing this?'

He questioned himself, he just realized that he doesn't need to run around the city to create all his identity and bank accounts, he could have just found a park bench and sat down with a soda in his hand and do it with his eyes closed.

'After being trapped for so long, I forgot to use my common sense'

He thought and closed his eyes for a second before opening them, suddenly a credit card appeared in his hand along with all the necessary documents related to the bank, he put them somewhere in an empty space pocket and walked away.

He also registered himself as a teacher at the campus nearby and decided to give it a visit.

He appeared in front of the campus in an instant and was surprised by its architecture again, this place looks massive, its architecture covering massive land and its grounds filled with students walking around.

The development that humanity made in such a short time is still mind-blowing to him, this campus not only has a college but a high school and a university as well.

Amon realized he will have plenty of fish to prey on these grounds, he entered the campus and already caught the attention of many female students because he is very handsome, some of them even had boyfriends and their boyfriends felt threatened by his size and stature.

Most college students don't have time to work on themselves and build big muscles if they are focused on their studies, so they will get intimidated if someone as big as Amon just walks up to them.

Amon smiled at everyone that looked at him, some girls had their hearts skip a beat while others fantasized about Amon but it only lasted for a few seconds because he quickly made his way out of there.

Amon made his way towards the main entrance of the college side, he noticed students entering and exiting the college building, he took his time and looked around as he will be working here, he also made sure to remember every face he sees, well he can't forget them either as he has an eidetic memory.

But if he wants to forget about something he can do that because he is omnipotent, he has the power to erase his own memory or recall any removed memory, there are only two factors that are stopping him from becoming an actual god, so problem faced by mortal beings are nonexistence to him.

He noticed a group of three girls sitting near the entrance looking at him and giggling, a blond in the middle, a brunette to her right, and an Asian with pink dyed hair on her left.

Him, being very observant also noticed some extra eyes on them indicating that they are quite the popular group, he decided to approach the group and talk to them.


The three girls were having a normal day where they bitch about other girls, talk about boys and who tried to hit on them when they noticed the tall, wide-shouldered, brown-skinned man coming in their direction.

"Who is that hot hunk?"

The blond asked as she bit her lower lips.

"I don't know but whoever he is, he is quite hot"

The brunette said.

"Well no matter how hot he is, there is no way you will go unnoticed by him, you are the hottest girl on campus"

The Asian girl said to the blond.

"You are right, I am the hottest and I want him, I am bored of Brad, I need someone like him"

The blond said while looking at Amon approaching them.

"Look, he is coming towards us, I told you, no one can escape your charms, Sarah"

The Asian girl said.

"Quite, quite, he is coming!"

The blond said and adjusted her hair and lifted her breasts up to make them pop out a little.

Amon of course heard the girls and couldn't help but smirk, he didn't expect girls to be so forward in this age, back in his days it was very hard to find a girl who could actually throw away their old man to get a new one, Amon like the current age, it means anyone is available for the grabs.

Well, it didn't matter to him back in the days because he still fucked people's wives.

He looked at the three girls in front of him and wondered who should he hit, the blond was clearly the leader and the hottest looking of them all and clearly needs to be fucked, the brunette on her own is also very good looking and he wouldn't mind having her as well, as for the Asian, she is the type Amon is looking, just overpower her, bend her over a kitchen table and fuck her to oblivion. Cute face, fit body, and an inferiority complex.

The girls smiled at him as they saw him checking them out, Amon then approached the blond and didn't make eye contact with others, since they have already set up a hierarchy in their group he has no intention of disrupting it. He looked directly into the blond named Sarah's eyes and asked her.

"Girls do you know where the principal's office is?"

Though he said girls, his question was only meant for the blond and the other two girls also knew it, but they knew their places, Sarah smiled like an idiot seeing that he was asking her, and nodded her head.

"It's straight down the hallway, you won't miss it"

Sarah said while pointing in the direction with her fair hands.

Amon didn't say much and just smiled at Sarah and glanced at the other two and walked away.

"Holy shit, he was hot"

Sarah said finally taking a deep breath and looked at her two friends.

"He is sooo hot, did you see how he was looking at you"

The brunette said to which the girls just squealed like teenagers that they are.

"You should definitely go out with him, do you think he is a transfer student?"

The Asian girl asked while staring at Amon with desire in her eyes, just like always due to her inferiority complex she decided to hand over another guy she got the hots for to Sarah.

While the brunette just continued to play the loyal dumb friend to Sarah inflating her ego even further.