Buying A Car

Amon walked into the subway and got into a train which leads to the part of the city he lives in, he also wants to get a car for himself so he doesn't have to take the subway again, he didn't like how crowded it got and how people would stick to each other in rush hours.

After taking the subway, he arrived at the central part of the city where most of the big infrastructures are present, with what happened today, Amon decided to get himself a car, he liked what he saw with Shiana and decided to get one for himself.

He arrived in front of a massive car showroom and just from the looks of it, the cars presented inside looks expensive, Amon walked in and looked around, he was surprised by how many types of cars were presented, there are big SUVs, compact cars, sports cars, supercars, and many other.

As soon as he walked in he saw a man who seems to be in his late 40s wearing a very expensive suit walk towards him, the man had a big smile plastered on his face, though clearly fake it was a welcoming one, Amon could tell that this man is clearly no salesman as the clothes he is wearing are too expensive for one, he is either the manager of this showroom or he is the owner himself.

"Hello, welcome to my showroom, I am Francis Marola, I am the owner of this establishment". The owner introduced himself to Amon, as Amon had suspected he really is the owner.

Since he is an owner he doesn't always greet customers like this but when he saw Amon he decided to do so. Before he became an owner, Francis was a salesman, he knew who is here to buy a car and who is just here for window shopping, who is rich, and who is poor.

He has trained his eyes for years and as soon as he saw Amon, he knew that this is a big customer and he wanted to make Amon feel comfortable so that he will buy a nice car.

Amon also welcomes the hospitality, he came here to buy a car and he wants to buy the best one, money is not a problem because he can magically make them appear in his account, maybe it is a million or a billion, no one would even look into it if he wants to.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Marola". Amon replied and shook his hand.

"It's a great day to buy a car, so tell me, sir, what kind of car you are looking to buy?" Francis asked.

"I am looking for something fast but that doesn't stand out, it should also be spacious and luxurious". Amon replied. Hearing his requirements Francis is happy, the kind of car Amon is looking for is the expensive kind, they cost six figures and the insurance is also very high, anyone who wants to buy these types of cars is loaded.

"I see, it is surprising to such a young man buy cars like this, If I was your age I will be looking for something sporty and cool looking, you know". Francis said.

"I do get the appeal of that car over there". Amon said and pointed at a very cool and sharp-looking supercar and continued "But that thing is too small and as you can see I am quite big, and it only has two seats, not my type of thing". Amon said.

"I get it, well, stay here I will send you my best worker to assist you to choose the best car". He said and walked a little further away from Amon to a young girl standing next to a small car showing it to a married couple.

Amon looked at the girl and found her sexy, she seems to be around 21, 22 years old, with dirty blond hair, is wearing a tight red shirt which is unbuttoned revealing her perfectly shaped breasts, Amon could also see the edges of her bra sticking out and she is also wearing a very short leather skirt and long thigh highs.

Picture here.

She looks very sexy, it is very clear that she has been hired for her looks and she is here to please the customers and seduce them to buy cars that they don't need.

This is a very impressive way to sell a product, this beautiful girl will show you a very good car which is clearly out of that person's budget but seeing how flirty she is with them, and how much interest she is showing to them, the person under her influence would, of course, want to impress her and buy the car and in return, she will give them her number, either it will be fake if the customer is dumb or she will ghost them afterward.

Amon watched as Francis took the girl to the side behind the counter as they talked, Amon noticed the change in the hot girl's expression and wanted to check what is happening, so he looked right through the counter and saw that Francis had his hand up her short skirt and was rubbing her pussy.

Amon wanted to hear what Francis was saying so he listened closely.

"Do you see that handsome tall young man over there, he is a big customer looking for an expensive car to buy, I want you to show him around, treat him as a VIP, listen to everything he says and make sure to make him very happy so that he will buy a car, I don't care what you have to do, do it, blow him, spread your legs if he wants.

If you manage to sell the car today, you will get a big bonus, do you understand?". Amon heard these words coming out of Francis's mouth, he then saw the hot saleswoman looking at him and smiling at him while nodding her head.

"Look at you, already getting wet thinking about fucking that handsome young man, aren't you?" Francis whispered into her ear to which she just shook her head.

"Well, now go, I have other work to do, go and entertain our VIP customer". Francis said and stopped rubbing her pussy and walked away and gave a final nod at Amon, Amon also smiled back and nodded at him.

The hot saleswoman soon walked towards Amon with a bright warm smile on her face while trying her best to look as sexy as possible, she couldn't help but check out Amon at the same time, she had to admit that Amon was one of the most handsome men she has ever seen, even though he is really not her type, she prefers someone who is not as big and lean as Amon, she likes her man on the skinny side but she won't mind flirting with Amon to get the deal going.

"Hello sir, my name is Dana and you can think of me as your personal assistant today, I will help you choose the best car and help you with all the required documents". She said.

"Nice to meet you Dana, please lead the way". Amon said and let her lead, Dana smiled and lead the way, she took him to the upper floor where the cars that Amon was looking for are kept.

When both of them got there, there were no people on the second floor, most customers never come up here as the cars here are very expensive, Amon saw some cars in he was interested in, Dana swayed her hips and brought him towards a 2 door coupe, but Amon is more interested in her ass than the car she was showing.

She also made sure that her sex appeal doesn't get lost as she continued to introduce the car to Amon, she bent down, leaned on the car, and did every possible pose which made her look sexy but didn't imply that she was trying to seduce him.

"I like it but, I want something with four doors, more space, more fun". Amon said. To someone else Amon's statement would not make sense as 4 door cars are really not fun to drive, they are big, they are bulky, and take too much space, but to Amon, it didn't matter, he wanted more space so he could fuck in it.

He doesn't care about speed because there is nothing in this universe that is faster than him, why would he care about a car's speed.

Dana nodded and brought him towards a 4 door coupe, this car looked stylish but it didn't stand out except for the massive brand badge on its grill, and on the back, the car looked sleek and Amon liked the design.

Dana opened the car and revealed its interior, she bent down a little causing the skirt to lift up. Since it was short there was no stopping the skirt from revealing her fine ass and the underwear she is wearing under it.

Amon looked at the black underwear she is using to cover her tight pussy, he wants to pin her to the car and fuck her right here, right now but he didn't, he knows he will get his chance soon.

"Sir, this is the best in class, it has a lot of power for a car its size, its safety is top-notch, its comfort is best in class, the tech provided is the lastest in class, you won't find anything better than this". She said.

"I like it, let's sit inside and talk me through it". Amon said and sat on the driver's seat and Dana sat next to him, she continued to explain everything but also made sure to keep close to Amon, she leaned forward brought her breasts to his face and tried to show the functions of the buttons on the steering wheel.

Amon decided to test the water and see how much she is willing to comply with her boss's order, since his hands have long reach he put his hand over and put it on her ass and touched it to see her reaction, and as he had expected she didn't react, she just continued to tell him about the car and let him touch her.

Amon decided to get bolder and moved a little down and touched her pussy over her underwear but she still didn't react, he started to move his finger which caused her to moan as her pussy started to get wet, her cheeks turned red and she finally made eye contact with Amon, their faces were a few inches apart from each other. If Amon wanted he could kiss her right now and she will gladly kiss him back but he didn't he just smiled and said: "Continue". She nodded and continued.

He then found her clit and decided to have more fun.

"What does this button do?" He said and pressed on her clit, this time the reaction was big, she yelped and was about to fall but Amon saved her by catching her by her breast.

She decided to not react and play along with Amon and his little game.

"Sir, this button is the best feature, if you want you can play with it to have some fun". She said and smiled back, Amon started to like this girl, she is someone who can play along, Amon won't mind having her around.

"Good, I like the car, let's go for a test drive". Amon said and stopped stroking her pussy and let her go, Dana also went back to sitting on the passenger seat and looked at the hand that was playing with her pussy, she wouldn't deny that she loved the feeling, being touched by a stranger while she is trying to sell it.

She has had similar experiences before but none were so pleasurable as this one, it was because Amon knows how to stimulate a pussy, with all the knowledge of past and present living in him, it is as easy as cutting butter with a red hot knife.

"That's great, I will bring the keys, please wait". Dana said and walked out of the car and soon came back with the keys, she handed it over to Amon and he turned on the engine, the car roared because of its powerful engine under its hood.

"Sounds great!..... Let's go" Amon said and started driving, he drove the car towards the exit ramp and arrived on the ground floor and drove off, the owner of the showroom, Francis, saw this and smirked, he knew that his customer is going to buy the car, now it will depend on Dana on how easily she can convince him to buy the car.