Caught Sticky Handed

While Skyla played with her boyfriend's dick, Amon was looking at a young girl who just raised her hand to ask him a question.

Amon looked at this girl and couldn't help but think of all the things he would do to this girl, she is a beautiful girl who has curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, has sharp facial features, and has a very nice body with a bigger than average size breasts and nice hips.

Currently, she is wearing a floral pattern one-piece dress, she is clearly a one-of-a-kind beauty and it is very clear that many guys in this class have a crush on her.

Amon saw many guys staring at this girl with their eyes either filled with lust or affection, too bad for all of them Amon wanted to have her.

Amon smiled and looked at the girl.

"Yes, what's your name?" Amon asked.

"My name is Emory D'Souza". She answered.

(Picture here)...

"So Miss Emory, what is your question?" Amon asked and listened to her question, the question she threw at Amon was quite a difficult one to answer but Amon didn't find it difficult at all, he easily explained her in detail which made her admire Amon even more.

She felt that this new teacher is way more qualified compared to the one that got fired recently.

Once Amon was done answering all the questions that were thrown at him, he went back to the podium to end the class when he noticed something at the back.

It was Skyla and she seems to be moving her hand below her desk, Amon wondered what she was doing and looked right through the desk to find something interesting.

He saw Skyla jerking of the dick of the boy sitting right next to her and looking at his expression Amon could tell that he was enjoying whatever she was doing.

Skyla who was enjoying teasing her boyfriend felt a gaze on her, so she lifted her head and looked around to see if anyone was watching or not, and by doing so she made eye contact with Amon.

She froze as she realized that Amon was looking straight towards her but before she could retract her hands from her boyfriend's dick, he grunted and released his load all over her hand.

Skyla got pissed and glared coldly at Jack, Jack noticed her cold gaze and wanted to apologize but he saw Skyla signaling him to look forward.

Jack decided to listen to her and saw that the teacher was looking at them.

"Shit, did he catch us?" He whispered while pretending to read the empty notes in front of him.

"I think he did". Skyla said and felt that she was stuck in a very tough situation, she wanted to wipe the cum off her hand but seeing that Amon was not looking away caused her to tense up.

"Hey clean your shit off my hand, I think he caught us, luckily he isn't calling us out or I would feel humiliated". Skyla whispered.

"How? I don't have any tissue paper with me". Jack said and started to panic about his situation.

"Fuck you and your toilet paper". Skyla felt frustrated and wiped off the cum on her hand on his jeans, this took Jack by surprise and he felt disgusted as he saw his own cum being smothered all over his pants.

"What the fuck?" He exclaimed which almost brought the attention of everyone in the hall towards them.

"Shut up, couldn't you have warned me before cumming? Now I am in trouble, I don't know what sir Amon is thinking about us right now". Skyla whispered.

Jack didn't say anything and just kept quiet, he didn't want to bring any attention to them right now.

Amon, of course, saw everything but decided to remain silent and not call them out, doing so might ruin his chances with Skyla, he turned away breaking eye contact with Skyla which made her sigh in relief.

Amon decided to end the class here as he was done with the class for today.

"Ok, the class is over you all can leave". Amon said and sat down and started to look through the literature textbook as he wanted to go through it once before he takes his next class.

Students started to pack their bags and walk out of the class, while boys just left some girls couldn't help but take a second glance at Amon and giggle, they couldn't help but admire his looks as he was reading.

Skyla and Jack were still in the back waiting for everyone to go so they can talk to Amon.

"What should we do?" Jack asked.

"You don't do anything, just get out I will handle it". Skyla said.

Jack nodded and was the first one to walk out leaving Skyla all alone in the class, Skyla slowly approached Amon and looked at him.

She got lost in her own thoughts as she saw Amon staring at the book in his hand with utmost concentration, for some reason she found him very hot causing her face to go red and her heart beat faster.

She quickly snapped out of it and took a deep breath.

'Shit, he is too good-looking, maybe something can happen between us but first I need to concentrate on my career and land a job at a model agency' Skyla thought and approached Amon.

Amon lifted his head and looked at Skyla.

"Miss Skyla, I am glad you stayed behind, I need to talk to you about your practice in my class". Amon said without hesitating.

Skyla froze as she didn't expect Amon to be so direct. "Sir I can explain". She said and got close to Amon, she wondered if she could flirt and get out of this situation.

Skyla got right next to Amon and bent down a little and exposed her cleavage to him, Amon didn't shy down and looked at her cleavage and back at Skyla.

"No need to explain Miss Skyla, I didn't expect you to be so bold and perform sexual activities during class, you are lucky that I didn't call you two out. Since this is my very first day I refrained myself, I hope you don't do the same thing again in my class". Amon said.

Skyla was once again surprised, she didn't expect Amon to just let her go like that, she thought that he might take advantage of her as she did offer herself to him but he didn't take the bait.

She got confused and didn't know what to do.

"You should leave now, Miss Skyla or you will be late for your next class". Amon advised and went back to his book.

Skyla nodded and walked out of the class where she found Jack waiting for her right outside.

"What did he say?" He jumped in and asked, he is really worried because if people find out about this his reputation might be at stake.

"He just gave a warning and nothing else". She said and walked past him as she wondered about the interaction that just took place between her and Amon.

Jack wondered what happened to her and followed her.

"That's it, he didn't say anything else?" Jack asked.

"That's not important, but I somehow feel humiliated". She said. "Why?" Jack asked.

"I practically threw myself towards him to get out of the situation but not only did he not take any interest, but he also didn't even look at them properly". She said and turned towards Jack and pressed her breasts together.

"Aren't they appealing?" She asked Jack. Jack was taken back once again.

"You did what?" He asked frustrated.

"Don't be so insecure, I was just trying to flirt with him so that he will go easy on us but he didn't even look at me properly, am I not good-looking enough for him?" She asked.

'This entitled bitch, not only she tried to flirt with the teacher but also offended because he didn't give her any attention, well at least she gives good head'. Jack thought.

"Not to burst your bubble Skyla but did you look at that man, he is the definition of the perfect man, not only is he handsome but also very lean and strong, I would kill to have physic like his, I am not even gay and I am admitting that he is very good looking and for a man like him it's not hard to find girls, in fact, many beautiful girls would just throw themselves at him just like you did.

You are hot but there are many women as hot as you out there and trust me, that dude has fucked them, you just don't stand out to him". Jack explained.

Hearing Jack's explanation, the frown on Skyla's face got even deeper, one thing a woman doesn't like is being compared to other women and told that they are the same and Jack just made that mistake.

Skyla stopped and glared angrily at him and punched his gut, Jack groaned but he didn't feel much pain, he is a jacked dude while Skyla is thin and not muscular to cause Jack any pain.

"Don't fucking talk to me". She said and walked away while Jack chased after her, he didn't mind Skyla punching him as she has done it before in anger but it never hurt him so he never took it seriously.

Back in the lecture hall Amon was done skimming through the books and knew from where he will begin his lesson, he got off his chair and headed to his teacher's office.

From what he heard from the fat principal, he will share his office with another teacher and the principal told Amon that he has a surprise waiting for him in the teacher's office.

Amon wondered what this surprise is and made his way towards his office, when he got there and opened the door there was already someone inside.

And from the looks of it, the surprise is her. It's Caroline, the bitch he wants to fucks the most.