Finally Getting It!

Being the person he is, he likes good-looking girls and the anchor of the news telecast, and the police officer caught his attention but right now he was more interested in the satanic cult ritual that seem to have taken place.

Being who he really is, a being who is the closest thing to a God, Amon knows the existence of the supernatural but till now he has not met or seen a single supernatural soul but he is quite excited about seeing one and seeing how different they are from the myths.


Megan continued to sneak glances at Amon every now and then as she wanted to see if he is looking at her but seeing Amon more interested in the tv disappointed her a little.

But her spirit is not crushed, he is here and they are alone, she is dressed to impress and from how Amon looked at her he seems impressed, she knows she will get what she wants.

She looked at the food she prepared in front of her and took a deep breath, she didn't know why she felt so nervous to serve some breakfast, she has done this many times but today she put extra effort into it.

She is more nervous right now compared to the time she went for the job interview at her company, she walked towards Amon with trays filled with fried eggs, bacon, fruits, and much more delicious stuff that she could cook up for Amon.

She got close to him and bent down and started to place all the dishes on the table in front of Amon. Since she bent down, her big breasts were pulled down by gravity giving him a nice view of them.

Amon's eyes were glued on her beautiful breasts as they were held on by the straps of her dress, his eyes then drifted towards the lower part of her body as he stared at her ass, with the position that she is in her ass is asking for being groped and with how poor of a job her skirt was doing covering her ass, they were practically exposed.

Amon smirked and put his hand on her ass and gave it a nice squeeze. "~Mfnnn~". Megan let out a soft moan and bit her lip as she felt his hand on her ass, she loved when Amon grabbed her ass like this.

Once she was done placing down all the plates on the tray, Amon grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him, and made her sit on his lap as he put his arm around her waist.

His arm then started to have its way with her body, while one of his hands was on her nice big breast his other hand caressed her thicc soft thigh, Megan closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as she felt her right breast being pulled and twisted by Amon, she also felt his other hand very close to her pussy while he rubbed her thigh.

"What are you waiting for, feed me". Amon ordered. Megan nodded her head and picked up a plate with a fork and fed him some bacon, Amon ate and bacon while he continued to grope Megan's body.

Megan continued to feed Amon just like an obedient servant while she let Amon play with her body. Amon pulled one of her breasts out and flicked her erect nipple which caused Megan to squeal softly.

"Tell me, did you touch yourself during your punishment period?" Amon asked as his hand got very close to her pussy slightly grazing it, Megan's whole body tensed up as she felt Amon's hand slightly touching her pussy.

She has been so horny these few days and not relieving herself during these days made her pussy really sensitive, even a little stimulation and she might burst like a dam.

"No, I didn't touch myself, I followed your orders to the tee". Megan replied. "Good, I knew you will be able to do it, I am proud that you were able to hold on, for this you will be rewarded". Amon said and continued to eat out of Megan's hand while Megan had a big smile on her face with lust filling her eyes.

After he was done with the breakfast, he looked at the glass of fruit juice that was still left on the table he then looked at Megan whose eyes seems to be attached to him.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" Amon asked to which Megan shook her head in denial, she was so excited about Amon coming over that she forgot to eat for herself.

"No, I didn't". She said. "Good, drink this". Amon picked up the glass of juice and handed it over to Megan, Megan nodded her head and started drinking it nervously, she didn't know why Amon would ask her to drink his drink but she complied obediently.

As she was drinking, she felt Amon's hand on her face and slowly going behind her head, once she was done drinking she felt relieved because she had not eaten or drunk anything.

As soon as she placed the glass on the table, Amon pulled her very close to his face, almost touching their lips but he didn't kiss her, he has Megan in a hand full of hair so she couldn't move her head. She felt her hair being pulled from behind which excited her, she had read about hair being pulled during sex and she wanted to experience it.

Now that her hair is being pulled, she liked it. She hoped that Amon would do it a little harder as well, she didn't expect to like getting her hair pulled so much.

"Tell me how should I reward you? You did good following orders and since you were such a good woman, I think you deserve a reward, so tell me what do you want?". Amon asked and liked the side of Megan's face.

Hearing Amon's words finally relieved Megan, it was finally time. "I want to be your woman, make me yours by using me as much as you want". Megan replied and bit her lip. "Good answer". Amon said and finally kissed her.

He didn't hold back as his lips engulfed hers' fiercely, his tongue entered her mouth and ravaged her insides, Megan closed her eyes and let Amon enjoy her mouth, she felt his tongue twirl inside her mouth along with her own tongue, she could taste his saliva flowing down her mouth which she slowly drank.

She felt Amon's other hand on her breast squeezing and fondling them, she felt her nipples being pinched and twisted by Amon's strong firm fingers, she let out muffled moans as she was being kissed roughly by Amon.

Amon loved kissing Megan as the taste of the fruit juice still lingered inside her mouth and she also tasted quite good without it. As he was fondling her breast he got irritated by her dress so he grabbed it and tore it as if it was paper revealing her two beautiful peaks, they bounced around as they got released and enjoyed their freedom.

This was the brand new dress she bought to impress Amon but now they have been ripped open and it was also very expensive, if it was any other situation Megan would have been devastated but right now she couldn't care less as she was enjoying being used by Amon.

Amon stopped grabbing her hair and moved his hand down towards her leg and placed her leg over his, making her sit on both of his legs taking over his whole lap while he continued to kiss her, Megan put her arm around his neck and continued to kiss him as she slowly rubbed her crotch against the bulge in his pants.

Amon then used both of his hands to enjoy groping her beautiful breasts. He continued to kiss and enjoy her taste for a few more minutes before finally stopping. When he released Megan's lips a trail of saliva flowed down her mouth while her eyes were completely glazed displaying lust.

"Get down on your knees". Amon ordered. Megan nodded her head and got off his lap and kneeled down in front of him on the ground, she then looked at him like an obedient slut waiting for his next order.

"Get started". Amon ordered. Megan then proceeded to unzip his pants and take out the leviathan that was lying dormant under it, as soon as his pants were removed his cock sprung out and stood tall displaying its might, it might not be the longest cock in the world but it was definitely the thickest which can spear any pussy to the fullest.

At the end of the day, it was the thickness that mattered more than the length and he is gifted with both. And being the omnipotent entity that he is, he can easily manipulate the size of his cock but he didn't, he likes it the way it is. He likes fucking humans, not horses or elephants.