Dinner Without The Bum, Dessert After Dinner.

Amon knows a little about Shera as Megan has talked about her and how she was guiding Megan during Amon's advances towards her. Amon can't help but wonder what he will do to Shera for trying to be so involved between him and Megan.

"Let's not talk about that woman right now. What you should be focusing on right now should be this." Amon said, pointing at the food that was prepared.

Megan's attention went right back to the food and nodded. Amon let her go and watched Megan as she prepared the plates for the dining table. Watching Megan work is pleasing to his eyes, her perfect figure elevated by the one-piece dress she is wearing is something Amon would never be tired of, no matter how long he looks at it.

Megan would steal glances at Amon, wondering what he was doing behind her back, and then seeing him checking her out makes her feel desired and beautiful.

Done with the food, she took them towards the dining table and started plating it. She didn't make Amon wait for too long and was done with it within a few minutes.

Amon walks towards the dining table and sits down at the head of the table. This surprised Megan. She then turns her head and looks at Stewart and notices that he is completely out cold.

A smile blooms on her face as she sees this. She realizes that he won't be bothering her and Amon, so she should be able to be more intimate with Amon.

"We are not going to eat alone, are we? Call Rea. She must be starving," Amon said. Megan realized that she had completely forgotten about her precious daughter. Just being around Amon makes her feel giddy and happy that she doesn't care about anything else.

"Right, she must be hungry," Megan said and called her, "Sweety, dinner's ready". As soon as Rea heard Megan's voice, she rushed down from her room to join them. Megan frowns at seeing this. She got worried that Rea could have slipped and fallen.

"Young lady, how many times do I have to warn you not to run down the stairs?" Megan questioned in an authoritative tone with her hands on her waist. "Sorry mom, I will be careful next time," Rea replied back and sat down right next to Amon with a big smile on her face.

Amon also returns a smile at her and checks out her cleavage, that is barely covered by her top. Amon can't help but imagine himself pounding Rea's little pussy while she yells and calls him daddy while those breasts bounce up and down. But he has her on hold right now. He wants to make Rea a little desperate before he claims her sweet little virgin pussy.

"So Rea, did you finish your homework?" Amon asked. "No, Miss Shiana has given us a lot of work. I will have to pull an all-nighter on to complete it," she said and sighed in exhaustion. "You poor thing, maybe I can talk to her and ask to reduce your work for next time," Amon said.

"You would do that?" Rea asked excitedly. "Sure, why not?" Amon said with a smile. Hearing this, Rea got even more excited and jumped off her seat and hugged Amon.

Megan saw this but didn't say anything, but she did feel jealous. She wished she could be young so that she could also recklessly jump and hug Amon without any repercussions. If she did this, people would just assume things.

Rea then quickly let go of Amon, realizing what she has done. Her face turned red from embarrassment, but when she saw Amon smiling at her, she felt relieved and happy.

Rea then notices that Amon is sitting in her dad's chair and wonders why he is sitting here even though her dad is home, so she turned her head to find her dad and sees him sleeping on the couch like a drunk bastard.

She felt disappointed seeing this. She always wondered why her dad was not like other rich dads. Some rich kids in her school have very confident and good-looking dads, but her dad looks like a bum even though he has money.

"Megan, come join us. It looks like Stewart won't be joining us as he is sleeping. The food will get cold if you wait for him," Amon said and invited Megan.

Megan nodded and sat down next to Amon, facing Rea. It is just like last time, but this time Stewart is present, but he is a drunken mess right now, so his presence is nonexistent.

Megan started to serve Amon and Rea with a smile on her face. She felt happy doing this. This felt like the family she always wanted.

Amon also has a big smile on his face. On his left is the stunning milf who he is fucking and on his right is her sweet little daughter who is in love with him and he will soon fuck her as well.

This immortal life is good, but this is just the beginning. He still has so many pussies to conquer and so many mouths to be turned into his cum dumpster.


The three of them enjoyed their dinner and talked about their day. Rea was very active and had a big smile on her face throughout the dinner, and seeing this made Megan happier.

She has not seen her precious daughter this happy for quite a while now and this is all because of one man. She looks at Amon, his extremely attractive face, his broad shoulders, his muscular arms, his ripped physique, and also the monster that hides behind his pants.

Everything about this man is perfect. Megan realizes that she loves this man, and it's not just love. It is an obsession. She knew she would do anything for him.

With dinner finished, everyone felt full. Amon ate most of it as there was no way Megan or Rea could fit everything inside their stomach.

"Sweety, you should go back to your room and finish your homework," Megan said. "But I want to stay and talk with Amon a little more," Rea complained.

Amon can, of course, not mind sitting and talking to Rea, but he will not allow her to ruin his fun time with her mother. "Rea, I think you should listen to your mom. I will make sure that you won't be getting too much extra work next time," Amon said.

"Fine!" Rea is upset, but the promise of less homework is always an attractive offer for a student like Rea, so she makes her way back to her room, leaving Amon and Megan alone with the drunk cuck of her husband.

"Now that I am done with dinner, I think it's time for my dessert," Amon commented and grabbed Megan's hand. Megan bites her lip, excited about what is going to happen next.

"Get up" Amon orders. Megan does as she is told and stands up on her feet. Amon then pulls her closer by placing his hands behind her ass. He then proceeds to feel her soft legs that shiver to his touch.

The higher his hand goes up her thigh, the more tense Megan becomes. After teasing her for a few seconds, Amon finally lifts her skirt, revealing the black transparent thong that she is wearing.

Amon touches her pussy over her thong and feels how wet it is. Her thong has already started to smell because of how long it was in contact with her wet pussy.

With all that teasing in the kitchen and during the dinner, how couldn't Megan be drenched by now? "Look at you, you filthy slut, you have been leaking for quite a while now," Amon comments as he drags her thongs to the side exposing her cleanly shaved pussy.

"I am sorry for being a filthy slut," Megan comments and moans as she feels Amon's finger gliding along her pussy slit. "You don't need to be sorry. I like sluts like you. A cheating whore who loves to get fucked by another man". Amon's comment just stimulates Megan even more instead of offending her.

"Looks like my dessert is ready! Time to eat," Amon said and inserted two of his fingers into her pussy. As soon as his big fingers enter Megan, she tenses up and squeezes her legs.

Amon's hands are big compared to a normal guy's hand and his two fingers easily oversize an average penis. Amon then curls his finger and hit her right on her g-spot.

"~ANNGGGG~" Megan moans loudly as she feels a bolt of electricity run through her body.

Amon then pulls her closer to him by her pussy with the fingers that are inside her. Because of this, his fingers press hard against her g-spot, making Megan squeal in pleasure.

She quickly puts her hand on his shoulder to support herself so that she doesn't fall down and ruin this for both of them.

Now that her pussy is closer, Amon licks his lips and starts flicking her clit with his tongue while he simultaneously starts to rub her g-spot from the inside aggressively.

The sudden assault from both inside and out completely buckles Megan's legs. If Amon didn't have his fingers inside her pussy, she would have fallen on her ass.

Amon is supporting her whole body with just his fingers. Megan, now overwhelmed by pleasure, can't keep her voice to herself any longer, so she moans, and it's loud.