Three Friends At Once?

By now Amon is slowly building a reputation for himself in the online fps community. Rumors about a player who is so good that even ranked professionals couldn't take him on are spreading.

They say that he never misses. Every kill of his is a headshot. Of course, being so good always made people question if this particular player is cheating or not, but even after so many reports, this player was still not banned from the game, proving that he was not using any cheat engines.

But how did this player get so popular? People may ask. Well, it happened because a very famous eastern streamer stumbled upon him while streaming and got his ass handed in the game, forcing this streamer to rage-quit.

The only reason why this became such a big deal was that this streamer is one of the best pros in the world and seeing him get played like this was a shock to his viewers. Being the best in the game means that your name will be known throughout the community, so the appearance of an unknown player who is even better than these pro players came as a shock.

This player named LG_Amon is dominating many fps games, and he has been popping on some eastern servers, making people believe he is from an eastern country. But Amon is playing during nighttime when many people are not active in western countries, leading to the misunderstanding.

While all this was happening, Amon had no clue that he has become a legend in the fps gaming community. The legend of a player who is untouchable as at the end of the day, he is not Omniscience.

Amon noticed that the sun has risen up again, and he has a school to attend, so he put his controller down and, with the snap of his fingers, created new clothes out of nowhere that appeared on his body.

He walks out of his house and walks down the stairs and notices Rea has already left for school while Megan is sleeping on her bed in the same state that Amon left her in and Stewart is still occupying the couch, slumbering like a boar.

Now with a smile on his face, he walks towards his car when he feels someone looking at him. He turns his head in the direction of this stare and finds a bald man in his late 40s looking at him.

Amon looks at this man and can't help but think about his stunning, sexy wife that Amon would love to have on her knees in front of his cock and it is not something farfetched as Amon plans to do so.

The moment this man tried to lay his eyes on Megan, he signed a cuck warrant. Amon is going to cuck this motherfucker so badly that he will be forced to get off by watching his stunning wife getting dicked by Amon.

Martin saw Amon looking at him with a smile on his face, so Martin also smiled back, but the way Amon was smiling sent a chill down Martin's spine.

He feels as if Amon is looking at him like he is prey.

Amon then opened his car and drove off. He does plan to visit Martin, but now is not the time. Maybe he will give Martin a visit sometime later during the day.

After a few minutes of driving, Amon finally arrived at the school and his entrance got noticed by everyone because of his expensive car.

Amon parked his car and entered the school, and walked into the teacher's room.

As soon as he walked in, he saw the three teachers he met on his first day here. They all looked at him, but only two of them smiled. The old man who teaches physics didn't care much about Amon's arrival.

Clark and Stella greeted him with a warm welcome again.

"Mr. Amon, welcome. I hope you are doing well now?" Stella asked as Amon did take a leave a day ago. "I am doing fine, Mrs. Miller. Thank you for your concern." Amon replied and takes his seat.

There is still some time before the first class begins, so the other teachers are preparing for their class. As for Amon, he doesn't bother with such things as everything is in his mind.

Five minutes later, the door of the office opens again and Shiana walks in. She is wearing her usual cotton shirt and a pencil skirt, but there are some changes in her outfit.

She has two of her shirt buttons open, revealing her cleavage, and her skirt seems to be hugging her tightly, allowing her ass to look big and stand out more.

Her eyes locked onto Amon's as soon as she entered. She doesn't care about anyone else here. She wanted to look good and sexy for Amon, but also not appear too slutty, so she wore the same things she wears on a daily basis, but decided to spice it up a little.

While her eyes were on Amon, she didn't notice someone else was also staring at her breasts. Clark, the social studies teacher, couldn't help but admire her cleavage.

He always desired Shiana. Even though he is a married man, it didn't stop him from imagining himself with a beautiful young woman like Shiana, and today, she looks even more stunning with her exposed cleavage and her tight skirt. He can't help but imagine his hands squeezing those puppies.

Shiana went on and greeted the other teachers before settling down on her seat that is right next to Amon's.

She then stole glances at Amon as she remembered yesterday's fucking she received from him. Just thinking about it made her wet and her panties started to soak up the pussy juice leaking out of her.

Amon could smell her desperation, so he turned his head to look at her and smirked. 'Maybe I will fuck here when I am free.' Amon thought.

There are five minutes left for the first period to start, so the teachers walked out of the office and went towards their respective classrooms, leaving Shiana and Amon alone.

Amon then got off his seat and stood behind Shiana. Feeling Amon's presence right behind her made her tense up. Amon put his hand on Shiana's shoulder, then proceeded to move them down towards her breasts.

Once they were on them, Amon squeezed them hard, making Shiana moan.

"I like what you are wearing, but next time, don't wear anything under it. Do you understand?" Amon bent down towards her ear level and whispered. Shiana could only nod her head in agreement hearing Amon's commanding tone, soft but firm and powerful.

"Good" Receiving Shiana's nod, Amon let go of her breasts and walked out of the office and headed towards his class, leaving behind a heavily breathing Shiana who is left flush red.

Amon soon arrived in front of his classroom and it sounds as lively as ever but his entrance into the classroom silenced them and students rushed back to their seats.

Amon walked up to the blackboard and looked at his class. He saw familiar faces like Rea, Raily, and Anna. All three of these girls are his target, and seeing that all three are friends made Amon want to fuck all three of them together.

Raily is a slut, so she is the easiest to fuck. The same goes for Anna. She might look innocent, but she is corrupted from the inside. She will spread her legs for anyone that can assert dominance over her.

A slutty masochist who likes to get pushed and ordered around.

Then there is Rea, the sweetest of them all, and Amon's favorite. Rea will be Amon's prized possession once he takes her. And when that is done, he will fuck all these three girls together.