Fucked Into A Mess

Lia didn't put up any resistance to Amon's order and got back to her feet and faced the mirror with her ass facing towards him.

Amon licked his lips as he looked at Lia's ass. Her red skirt is not helping her beautiful asscheeks hide as she is bent over in front of Amon.

He grabs one of the asscheeks and starts caressing it softly before smacking it hard.

"~AANNNNNNNNNN~" Lia moans in pain as she feels the stinging smack on her ass, just when the stinging pain calms down and the hot sensation starts to overtake her pain, Amon smacks her ass again, and again, and again, till he turns both of her asscheeks completely red and filled with his handprints.

Lia yells in pain and whimpers in pleasure. Her eyes fill up with tears and flow down her eyes, washing her already ruined makeup.

Her body continues to shiver as Amon's hand moves around, feeling every inch of her body. He finally brings his hand back on her ass and glides one of his fingers right down the middle and touches her dripping wet pussy over her panty.

"You filthy slut, you are dripping so much after that smacking. You must be a hidden masochist, huh?" Amon questions and pulls her panty to the side to reveal her pussy for the first time.

Seeing the delicious pink pussy, Amon couldn't help but feel the urge to taste it, so he pulls down her panty, grabs her by both of her thighs with his hands and completely lifts her feet off the ground, and brings her pussy closer to his mouth.

He is not going to bend for this slut.

Lia gets startled as she feels her whole lower body being lifted off the ground, so she quickly stabilizes herself by placing her hands on the sink's platform.

She looks into the mirror and sees her lower half completely up in the air by Amon's mouth and she quickly realizes why he is doing this. She feels his mouth on her pussy as he starts to eat it vigorously.

He slurps down all the pussy juice flowing out of her while his tongue presses against her outer walls while moving up and down, licking every inch of it.

"~OHHHHHH~ That feels so gooddd~ Angg~" Lia moans as she feels her whole body experience euphoria.

Her hands were going weak, and she is having a hard time keeping her head from smashing into the sink. Seeing this, Amon decides to help her. He backs down from the mirror a little, allowing Lia's lower body to free fall down towards his crotch.

Lia yelps in fright, but she is soon greeted by Amon's massive, thick cock.

She looks at the standing Godzilla and knew she has work to do, so she grabs it with her hands and starts to go down on it using her mouth.

Now in a standing 69 position, Amon starts to get wilder and his mouth worked like a vacuum. He sucks on her pussy as if he is slurping every last drop of pussy juice from her pussy.

Lia is doing a good job sucking his cock, but Amon's method was too much for her. She soon got overwhelmed with pleasure and forgot her task.

Lia's body bent backward as she felt another soul-snatching orgasm travel through her body. Her eyes completely roll over and her tongue comes out dangling out of her mouth as she drools.

Amon continues to slurp her pussy until her orgasm ends.

Once she was done, he carefully lets her down and watches her slump over the sink, it is with the help of her upper body that she is "standing" right now because her legs are bent inwards, they are not doing anything other than just dangle from her body.

Amon wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks at the well-prepared present in front of him. His dinner has been properly cooked and now he is going for the final feast.

He grabs his massive thick schlong and presses the tip against Lia's dripping-wet pussy and shoves it in.

Lia, who is slumped down over the sink, gets a strong wake-up call as she feels her pussy getting stretched from the inside like never before.

"~AAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNN~" she moans loudly, and it was loud enough for people outside to hear it.

The staff woman who is standing close by the washroom could hear it and she was taken aback. She couldn't help but imagine herself in that position and wondered if she will be moaning the same as the girl inside.

Back inside the washroom, Amon starts to pound Lia's pussy furiously while Lia couldn't do anything but take in the overwhelming pleasure.

Lia looks at her reflection in the mirror and she feels ashamed and excited at the same time, seeing the slutty face she is making. She only sees a cock hungry slut in front of her and nothing else.



Her loud moans along with the sound of Amon's balls and abdomen slapping against her pussy and ass fills the whole washroom.

Lia is now completely lost in pleasure and she can't even think properly. Her eyes roll over the back of her head, her mouth wide open with her tongue out as she drools down into the sink. Everything is being reflected in the mirror and Amon is enjoying the show.

Amon has fucked the sense out of her. Lia has never been fucked like this before. Even her bodybuilder ex-boyfriend who fucked her very rough couldn't hold a candle to the fucking she is receiving right now.

Lia knew that she has become Amon's bitch and she doesn't even know him properly.

Her body shakes violently once again as she experiences another orgasm. "~HHNNGGGGGGGGGGG~" She groans in pleasure and lay on the sink motionless while Amon continues to fuck her for a few more seconds before he busts inside her as well.

"FUCK~ ~GRRRRR~" with a growl, Amon slams his cock inside her pussy one last time and starts to fill her up till some of his cum had to force their way out of her pussy by stretching it even more.

"*phew* That was one good fuck," Amon comments and pulls out his cock, and looks at the masterpiece in front of him.

Lia slumps into the skin with her red ass hanging up while his cum drips out of her pussy.

After admiring his work, he snaps his finger and cleans himself up before walking out of the washroom.

He walks out and approaches the staff woman standing a few meters away from the washroom entrance. The staff woman notices Amon walking toward her and quickly collects herself, as she wants to still be presentable in front of him.

As he gets right in front of her, she could smell the sex coming off Amon's body. The potent smell of semen and sweat made her feel light-headed.

"I hope everything went well, sir," the staff woman said with a slight bow.

"Everything went great. Can you do me a favor, love?" Amon asked.

"Yes sir, I can do anything within my power," the staff woman answered.

"Good, then can you go inside and help the little miss clean up? I made a little mess inside," Amon says and winks at her with a cheeky smile on his face.

The staff woman blushes and nods her head. "Thank you," Amon says and holds her by her chin, lifts her head up, and kisses her right on her lips.

The staff woman's eyes go wide, but before she could process it, she feels Amon's tongue enter her mouth and twirl inside her mouth and wrestle with her tongue for a few seconds before letting her go.

The staff woman starts to breathe hotly, and her cheeks flush as their lips separate.

"I will be leaving then. Give this to the girl inside. This is my number. You can save it as well," Amon winks and hands over his number on a piece of paper to the staff woman before walking away.