Don't Be Late

K groaned in pain as Marko and the elf assistant of the tavern did their best to mend his wounds. Minutes later, the Sunstrider sent a Luna Wolf member to drop something off. It was anointment in a jar made of pixie dust as the person who dropped it off put it bluntly.

"W-Wait! How does this work?" Marko worriedly asked the member who was covering his face. "Just rub it on the part where the sword got stuck in." 

While this was happening, Marko and the assistant had to close down the tavern. Grim and Dart were upstairs, still knocked out from the fight.

The very next day after, Grim and K were told by Marko to go and meet with the Sunstrider, saying that he had summoned them for something.

"Tch. Tell me, K. If the Susntrider had not arrived at that very moment, would we be both six feet under right now?" Grim annoyedly asked.