Bare Secrets

Ace at a distance while still maintaining his distance from the others was grinning from ear to ear. "I did it! Now show yourselves to me, night elves! I did just as you asked if Father was not able to do the job." Ace pulled out a mirror out of his backpack. 

From the mirror's reflection of his own face, a night elf's face began to manifest itself and show up. "Hm. Might I be correct in inferring that you have successfully killed the King of Vanheim?" The night elf asked Ace in a confrontational tone. 

"That is right. The King of Thorns took to long to do it, so, just as you have instructed me to, I did just as you said and made the job much quicker." Ace explained his thought process and why he did what he did to the night elf, who sounded like he had him by the throat.