"I love you"

She heard him say, looking up into his blue eyes. Those blue eyes which always made her feel weak and helpless no matter how much she hated this man.

Those blue eyes that had always made her fall head over heels in love with him over and over again no matter how hard she has tried and was even trying.

Those blue eyes which had always haunted her and made her miss him no matter how much she tried to stop the feelings.

Those ocean-strong blue eyes.

She could not believe she heard him say that, she could not believe that he could say that to her. She never even thought that they would meet ever again...for the third time.

But now he was here...he was standing right in front of her telling her he loved her. It was hard to tell if he was lying to her or not....was hard to trust in his words, but for some reason, he awakened once more the love she had buried twice because of him.

She could not stop herself from feeling loved once again even if it was the third time he was telling her that, when she knew who he was and if it was possible he was lying to her yet again. No....she had to try to not fall for stay away from him.....and to nurse her recovering heart before he shatters it once again to innumerable pieces that cannot be brought back together even if she wanted it to be.

Who was she kidding. For the third time he might shatter her…shatter her heart...break her...and burn her in the fire that never quenches.

For the third time....

She could hardly describe how this made her feel. She knew she had to run away from this beast.....she knew that no matter what she does or no matter how much she loves this man, he would never ever tell her he loved her.

She knew that no matter how she would hug him and tell him how much she hurts just because of him, he will never be with her or love her just as she always wanted.

Instead she will be devoured by this inconsiderate beast and cursed for ever even meeting him. But yet she feels drawn to him...she feels glued to him….

She felt chained to him.

Why was her life like this? Tragedy upon tragedy and now pains of love that will keep dating her day by day till she has no more will to go on….to move on….to continue.

Her tears which she had tried so hard to not shed...her will and power which she never wanted to let diminish….not anywhere right in front of him was slowly breaking.

She was slowly breaking…..

It was hard to hold back anymore. Why can't she just walk away and tell him on his damn face that he stinks?...that he is worthless....

That he is a monster?

That she will never love a son of the devil?

Why could she not tell him on his unearthly beautiful face that he should go back to the hell he came from. He should leave her alone so she could pick up the pieces of her life.

Why can't he let her be?

But she had no strength or will to say that, she was too weak to continue her life without him.

She was tired…..she needed him. She could not take it anymore. She wanted him.

Maybe it could work. Even if it was just for a little time, she wanted to enjoy the feeling of being with the man she once and will always loved. She just wanted to give him a chance. It wasn't him anymore, but 'us'.

"I love you too" She said as tears fell freely from her eyes. She could not ever deny the damn truth.

She loves him....she damn loves him.

And even after all he did to her, after all the lies, cheating and giving her a reason to hate the world....after knowing her life will never remain as it was if she let him in...after she knew that she would never be a saint no matter how pure she was…..She still wanted to be with him. She wanted him to love her.

She wanted to be in those arms of his and cry her hearts out. She wanted to tell him all she had been through and feel his strong arms around her ad he would comfort her. Even after she had acquired everything that could make life comfortable, even after she is known as the youngest woman billionaire the world has ever known, she still wanted to love.

She wanted to be this demon.

She wanted a man who would love and care for her. Maybe that is the reason why she wanted to risk breaking her heart again for the third time, by the same monster. All he had done were still fresh in her her memory.

How she knew about him and his being still sent shiver down her spine.

But it is not enough for her to stop loving him....not now…not ever.

He was a sinner…..he was a monster…..a highly placed demon.

But he was hers.