
At the outskirts of London.

The cold night borrows body heat as if it were a cup of sugar, tucked under a woollen dove-grey sky. Night deepens the forest brown to the hues that are my soul-song. Into the night, the ashen night, of a billion stars both exploded and living, into the serendipity of duality that is a shared existence, is both futility and eternal hope, the road that belongs to immortals. The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm black that hugged you no matter what, and within it's safety it could feel a soul all the more clearly, that innocent inborn spark.

An unearthly man was seen holding a sceptre. His aura so strong that it could force people to submit just from a short distance. Its silver eyes wondered the forest, as if looking for a prey.

Around him a light glowed, everywhere too serene for a forest. His eyes started closing as he inhaled the fresh breeze.

"Your highness" A baritone voice came from behind him, making him turn around.

"I was waiting for you" He said, narrowing his intense gaze on the man.

"I am sorry to keep the King Lucifer waiting. There were a lot of demons who have started suspecting me and are trying to follow me wherever i go" The man bored his head, not wanting to look the man in front of him in the eyes.

"No one must know he is alive. He is meant to be hidden" The man with the sceptre approach the man with quick steps, causing him to bend his head further.

"I know my King. What makes me so worthy of your presence that i should be invited to the forest to see the King?"

"I have a special assignment for you. Go to heaven and bring me the blade of Drag'draluuth. I want my hair to have his powers soon because i will step down very soon. The travel requires you days and nights so i am expecting you to be back in ten years time. Do not fail me" The man with the sceptre looked at the man's bowing head as he placed the sceptre on it.

"I bestow into you power to sail the thirteen seas and cross the river of death. To wander into the desert of the lost and thread on the serpents of Cidarthon. Go and come back alive"

"I shall not fail you My King"

The man with the sceptre turned and disappeared into the still night, his absence bringing back the dangers of the night.


Justin walked past her class the next day, expecting her to be in school. He looked inside the class and discovered her chair was still empty. He smelled the air as he could not catch her scent anywhere.

It seemed she was not in school today again. Damn! This is only going to make him more restless. Was it that she has not woken up yet or is she still weak?

He knew that his blood supposed to have healed and made her all better now. She should be able to come to school.

His intention was to call her and check on her last night to know how she was faring. He wanted to hear her voice so bad and made sure she was fine. He wanted to see those her eyes with life as it had always been.

He wanted to see her and he could not deny it.

But he thought she would still be in hospital and so he discarded the idea.

Maybe she was still in the hospital? She supposed to have left the hospital by now.

The thought of she being an orphan still bugged him. Such a beautiful and intelligent girl could not be an orphan right?

'What are you doing to me Crystal Garcia? What spell have you cat on me? I can't think well because of you. Why is it so?'

He asked himself these questions but as usual, there was no one to answer. He wanted to do anything....everything that would keep her thoughts out of his head.

He really did not want to feel this....whatever he felt anymore.

But still, he anticipated for school to be over, he could not wait to get home. He will have to check on her? He had to...for the sake of his sanity.

He wanted to hate her, she had cast a spell on him that was working too well and he did not like it.

He could not help it.

He cared for her.....and right then he didn't care about anything but her.