Chapter 4: Enter Novus (2)

As I saw the girl who looked like Lin Ling, Great sage jolted me a bit by announcing that I had gained some useful skills.

GS: Report. Skills gained: Parallel thinking, Thought acceleration.

Progress report on earlier directives:

1. Resources acquired: Iron Ingots x 20, Steel Ingots x 40, Wood x30, Electronic components (various parts).

2. Water purification on hold, Processed herbs on hold - requires missing knowledge and information to continue command.

3. Multitude of skills gained, host is recommended to peruse them later when you have the time so as to be aware of and master them. Some passives skills have been gained as well through better understanding of R energy.

Mavs: Great. Issue additional directives:

1. Analyze R energy. Collect data on all events starting from now and suggest new directions for R energy manipulation.

2. Analyze the vials of herbs produced and processed per type and give a report later.

3. List possible applications that R energy can have when combined with Technology.

That is all. Over and out.

GS: Copy that. Initializing additional directives. In progress. Over and out.

All of this happened in less than 5 seconds thanks to my newly found skills relating to the brain. Oh yeah, I'm guessing I also automatically have perfect recall thanks to GS. Ain't that right GS?

GS: Affirmative. And before you ask yes, I can read your mind, should you allow it, but most of the time I can only read, surface thoughts mostly. For the specifics I would still need you to tell me.

Mavs: Great that makes things more convenient. Aight, time to meet 'Lin Ling' now.

Mavs: Don't move. Any sudden movements and I'll take that as a form of attacking and engaging me in combat. *I fire off a laser beam from my fingertips as a warning shot* Got it?

Unknown Girl: Crystal.

Mavs: Name, Age, is there any immediate danger that I should know about, anyone following you and what got you injured? I'm not here to hurt you. I'm a neutral party as of this moment.

Unknown Girl: My name is Lin Ling, 21 years old. No immediate danger as of the moment. A group of mercenaries were tasked to hunt me down. I suspect it was an enemy of my grandfather's.

Mavs: *inner dialogue: huh, wonder if Lu Ze is here as well.* Good. I'm Martin Maverick, 23 years old. You can call me Mavs once we're close. Do you need help? I mean obviously you do, I meant to say, do you want MY help?

Lin Ling: As much as I want to deny, I have no choice as of the moment. Any help would be appreciated. I'll pay you back for this I promise.

Mavs: Before I help you, I'll be frank. I want you.

Lin Ling: Eh. Ehh!?!?!?!?! What exactly do you mean?

Mavs: Many things, I don't like to be dishonest so I'll be direct. I want you to be my subordinate, at least until you can get back with your grandfather or decide to part ways.

Lin Ling: Oh so that's what you meant.

Mavs: Although, I am quite interested in you though *wink*.

Ling Ling: *in utter disbelief, shakes head from slight shock that a man she just met would directly say that* We just met dude!

Mavs: Anyways, leaving that aside... *expression turns serious* Can you keep secrets?

Lin Long: Sure, just help me out already dude!

Mavs: Sure... ermm dude. Hey GS, are there any health potions available?

GS: Affirmative.

Mavs: Put one in my pocket to avoid suspicion.

GS: Done.

Mavs: Here, this is still experimental but this should heal your wounds in a quick second. *takes out potion* Drink this.

Lin Ling: Thanks. *Drinks it, and the wounds are miraculously being healed at a visible rate; within 20 seconds all the wounds close and Lin Long is back to tip top shape".

Mavs: So tell me more about yourself. I can't be caught not knowing my own future comrade-in-arms, right?

Lin Ling: Like I said, I'm Lin Ling, I specialize in using weapons. I awakened an ability to pinpoint zombies' weaknesses when I reached rank 1. *Shows him the symbol on her hand which resembled an eye*

A/N: I haven't got an exact design, but you can comment what design you prefer it to be. The one with the most likes wins.

Mavs: I see.