Caught In Between

"Ugh…" Gerald groaned softly under his breath as he opened his eyes. "What the hell happened?" He mumbled to himself as he placed his hand on his head. His head was hurting. 

He then started looking around the ruined sewer space, which was now covered in dust, debris and boulders. "Where are the rest?" Gerald said to himself as he tried to find his friends, and his eyes landed on the corpse monster, which was lying under a large boulder, unable to move.

"Max!" Gerald then shifted his gaze to the right and found Max, who was getting up from the floor while coughing furiously. He was completely covered in dust, and had closed his eyes.

"Max, are you alright?" Gerald said as he immediately got up and walked towards Max, knelt down in front of him, grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the ground.