
Tap! Tap! Tap!

Max gently placed his feet on the railing of the window of his room, and looked through it, trying to figure out whether his mother was in the vicinity or not. 

After making sure that she wasn't, Noah slowly and carefully opened the window, and very quietly landed inside his room. 

He then looked around once again, making sure that no one saw him entering the room, and then raised his fist into the air, signalling his victory.

"Hah," Max let out a sigh as he leaned back on his bed, completely exhausted because of everything that happened today. "I can't believe I actually was able to help out and do something against that monster…"

He raised his hand and stared at his palms for quite some time, squinting his eyes as he remembered everything that he did. He could still remember how he was able to control the path of those dandelions.