
"Well, if you think that it's going to help you…" Agent Edgerton opened the backdoor and pulled out one of the black boxes which he had taken from within the crate, and placed it down on the ground. "... Then you're clearly underestimating me…"


He opened the box, revealing a set of camouflage clothes, and he grabbed it, pulled it out of the box, and then wore them over his regular clothes.

The Agent then tapped on the badge on his chest, and the camouflage began to lightly adjust its brightness and colors in order to match the surroundings, similar to a chameleon. It wasn't exactly making him invisible, but it definitely made it difficult to spot him. "Now, let's hunt some monsters!"

And with that, he entered the driver's seat of his car once again and headed forward, passing through the open gates of the Harker mountain ranges.