A Mountain of Problems

"What happened to me after we fell? Why am I not remembering anything after that point?" 

"What do you mean? Aren't you the one who should know this? After all, it was me who had blacked out when we hit the ground." 

"Wait, what?! What did you say?!"

"Who on earth was controlling my body?" 

"Noah?" All of a sudden, a familiar voice interrupted Noah's daydreaming, and he let out a gasp as his body twitched, causing the person who spoke to flinch in fright. 

"Ah.." Noah looked around as he realized that he was currently sitting inside his classroom, and he nodded his head to himself. He then turned his gaze to the side, where he saw a timid looking boy with ginger hair and glasses staring at him with a nervous and fearful expression on his face, and Noah let out a bitter smile.