New Age

"What the actual f*ck is going on, b*tch?!" Joey couldn't help but yell out loudly with anger in his voice as almost all of his followers were lying on the ground, defeated by a group of nerds.

"What does it look like to you, you dumb b*tch?!" Max said as he swung his fist at an incoming opponent, sending him flying backwards into the air right before landing under Joey's feet. And with that, every single one of Joey's henchmen were on the ground. "Can't you see? We're beating your a**!" 

Joey looked around and saw that the fight had gathered an adequate amount of viewers, and for a second, he felt as though he could hear their thoughts. 'Joey Adkins doesn't seem like a King!' The thought had sprouted in Joey's mind, and he yelled out loudly, "I'll beat your a**, you b*tch!" He rushed forward as soon as he finished speaking, heading straight for Max, who raised both his arms with a serious expression on his face.