
"Urgh…" Gerald let out an uncomfortable groan as he slowly opened his eyes. As his vision became clear, Gerald looked around, only to be confused by where he was. 'What the-' He could only see rocks, dirt and dimly lit passageways as he looked around, which made him raise his eyebrows. But that wasn't it. There was something else that was bothering him..

'Why the hell am I upside down?' Gerald tilted his head up, and realized that he was hanging upside down with his hands tied up and his feet connected to the rocky part that was protruding from the top.

'Wait a minute. I remember now…' As he began to adjust to the complicated situation that he was in, he regained his memory and remembered how he got himself captured.

"F*ck!" He cursed at himself for having such bad luck. But he was simultaneously also thinking about how to escape from this place. 

Swoosh! Swoosh!