God's Servants

New World City Highway 01.

A large black coloured truck drove through the highway roads, passing by other vehicles. 

"Daddy! Daddy! Look at that truck!" A kid that looked to be about the age of six jumped up and down on his seat and began repeatedly pointing at the black truck as it passed by the car that he was in.

"Sit down Aiden! And put on your seatbelt for god's sake. How many times do I have to tell you?" His mother, who was sitting in the front seat, turned around and ordered the young boy, who pouted in response. 

"You don't have to be that angry at him, Beth.." The young boy's father, who was the one driving the vehicle, said with a smile on his face, and the mother, Beth, clicked her tongue in response. "See, this is why he's acting like this, Arnaud! Your no care attitude is what's making him so spoiled!"

"Can we have this discussion later?" The dad, Arnaud, spoke as he let out a sigh, and Beth shrugged her shoulders.