Enter The Mob

"Someone who isn't exactly normal, huh?" Detective Harry whispered softly, and Agent Alan shook his head as he let out a long and heavy sigh. "I may have understated it." "You think?" Detective Lewis said with a slight grin.

Agent Alan tilted his head, giving the impression of someone who was helpless. "He's definitely a character, but he's good at his job. That's why he's in the position that he's in right now. Don't forget that." Agent Alan patted the two detectives on the shoulder as he slipped his cup of coffee, and the two detectives nodded their heads in unison. "Understood, Special Agent Alan!"

"Great! Well then, I guess it's time for a briefing from the commander himself." Agent Alan smiled as he gave a slight slap on the back of the two detectives and pointed at the commander. "Commander Niko! We're ready for you in the conference room!" "Got it!" Commander Niko gave a big smile and a thumbs up as his response.