"Oh my, I missed you" Willow squeals wrapping me in her embrace.

I smile hugging her back tightly, "I missed you!" I gush.

"This has gotta be the longest we've gone without seeing each other" Willow says holding me by the arms.

"I'm just so happy you're back. How was China? Tell me everything" I says sitting her down on the couch next to the rest of the girls.

"Oh M" Willow shakes her head smiling brightly, "It was so amazing, ah I wish I could move there. It felt like a month-long vacation did not feel like work for a bit"

"You are not moving to China Willow, some of us really need you in NYC" Caro narrows her eyes at Willow making the rest of us laugh.

"Actually," Willow says taking a sip of her drink, "I'm up for this possible promotion so if I were to get it, I'd be traveling a lot" Willow tilts her head.

We gasp in unison, "Oh my Lanta, Willow. That's amazing" I said squeezing her hand.

"I don't know if I'm going to get it but" Willow shrugs.

"Of course you will! You're the most hardworking person ever. This is so exciting for you babes" Heidi smiles throwing her arm over Willow's shoulder.

"We'll see" Willow smiles, "Enough about me, fill me in. What have I missed?" Willow wiggled her eyebrows scanning the room.

"Why don't we start with Maria?" Courtney interjects smirking at me.

"Nothing super eventful has happened in my life" I shrug sipping on my wine.

"Other than the fact that she's dating her hot boss" Quinn tilts her head rolling her tongue on her teeth.

Willow's eyes widen as she turns to me, "Shut up!" she squeals, "You're dating Nayel? For real?"

"Hmm yeah," I shrug smiling shyly.

"She's blushing look at her!" Caro giggles.

"Fuck off will you?" I glare playfully at Caroline.

"How did this happen? I remember you guys kissed then he was being nice to you but then he started acting like a dick all over again how what?" Willow laughs, "I'm so lost but also so excited"

I chuckle at her enthusiasm, "Yeah he was acting like a dick again but then he apologized and told me that he's had feelings for me for the past 2 years and he can't hide them anymore"

"Aww" all the girls gushed in unison even though they've all heard this a billion times, I shake my head rolling my eyes.

"So how's it been? What's he like? Are you guys exclusive? What does this mean for your job?" Willow starts bombarding me with questions making all of us chortle.

"Babe breathe" I joke chuckling at her.

"I'm waiting" Willow bobs her head making me smile.

"It's actually going really well, super smoothly. He's just the best" I can't help smiling and I see all the girls grinning at me, "and yeah he's my boyfriend" I nod, "We have to keep things quiet at work because it could look really bad for me but I told you before I might be considering moving out of law so in that case, it's not that much of a problem" I shrug.

"Have you guys had sex yet?" Quinn wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I tilt my head biting my lower lip, "Maybe" I can't help blushing a little.

"You slut!" Quinn winks at me.

I gasp playfully, "How was it?" Caroline smirks at me.

I bite my lower lip, "Let's just say, I'm very happy" I grin at the girls.

Willow shakes her head, "I knew that guy had a big dick"

"The biggest" I joke biting my lip making them chuckle.

"You genuinely seem really happy though" Willow smiles at me.

"I think I am, so far nothing to complain about" I smile.

Willow grabs my hand, "Only if you'd listen to us 2 years ago" I laugh shaking my head.


We were just finishing up dessert when my phone started buzzing. I pick it up and instantly a smile appears on my lips. Nayel was calling me. I look up to see all the girls making eyes at me.

"I'll be back in a minute" I grin getting up going to the kitchen, closing the door behind me. The girls started making kissing sounds at me making me roll my eyes.

"Hi" I smile pressing answer as Nayel's handsome face comes into my view. He was shirtless laying down in bed. His arm was behind his head.

"How's my girl doing?" Nayel grins bringing the phone closer to his face.

"I'm good, having a great time actually." I smile admiring him, "What are you up to?"

"I'm thinking of coming back home early because I can't stop thinking about you, it's even affecting my lawyer-ing abilities" Nayel pouts.

I playfully roll my eyes. Nayel is in the Hamptons till Wednesday for a case. "You already got me so you can stop with these cheesy dialogues you know?"

"They aren't cheesy dialogues baby, you're on my mind all the damn time. It's not my fault all I think about is you" Nayel shrugs making me smile.

"How's the case coming along?"

"Pretty alright, we decided to call it a day so I got back to my hotel an hour ago." Nayel chuckles and I raise an eyebrow, "I fucking hate facetime, I absolutely cannot stand it even talking on the phone makes me aggregated but here I am face timing you every chance I get because I just miss your beautiful face"

I roll my eyes to hide the blush starting to appear on my cheeks, "Okay stop"

Nayel chuckles, "Seeing your face has awoken other parts of my body" Nayel licks his lips.

My blush grows as I shake my head disapprovingly, "What are you wearing right now baby?" Nayel asks, his voice slightly hoarse.

I gasp, "Nayel!" I scold him, lowering my tone.

Nayel bites his lower lip, "I've been stroking myself before you even answered. He misses you baby" Nayel pouts.

I shake my head, "Are you that horny huh? Can you really not go a week without fucking me?" I giggle biting my lower lip.

"No, I can't baby" Nayel groans, his eyes rolling to the back of his head for a second.

"Help me out, I'm rock hard here" Nayel moans and I quickly turn down the volume of the call.

"Nayel" I bite my lower lip, "I'm with my friends, I can't" I blush.

"Can't you just pop out a tit or something baby?" Nayel grumbles.

"I can't. I'm literally in a kitchen right now and knowing the girls they will walk in here to drag me out any minute so no I can't"

Nayel sighs, "Well I'm still hard and horny"

"Why can't you watch porn like a normal dude?" I chuckle.

"I don't want porn, I want you. My personal pornstar" Nayel smirks making me blush.

"I really should head back," I smile at him.

"I'm going to face time you again when you get home so that you can help me finish this"

I laugh, "Phone sex isn't really my thing but you have fun alright"

"Ria" Nayel pouts.

I roll my eyes chuckling, "Bye have fun on the case" I give him a quick smile and wave hanging up the call.