"No pressure but everyone has been really eager to meet you Maria" James looks at me through the review mirror.

I smile as Nayel squeezes my thigh reassuringly, "I've been quite excited myself" I say earning a chuckle out of him.

"So where are we headed to right now? Your parents or?" I turn to Nayel but look over at James and Olivia through the review mirror.

"Yeah, dad and Lily are having a BBQ tonight. You know getting the family together. Celebrating Nayel not dying alone" James grins and Nayel rolls his eyes.

"So the whole family as in?" I ask biting my lower lip, growing nervous yet again.

"So obviously Ben and Lily, us" Olivia gestures between her and James, "and Jennifer, Ella, and Bryan with the boys " She turns around and smiles at me, "Everything is going to be great," She says reassuringly.

"Actually mom's bringing Rose as well," James adds casually.

"Who's Rose?" Nayel arches an eyebrow.

"Rose" James pauses to look at Nayel through the review mirror, "is mom's girlfriend."

A confused expression flashes on Nayel's face, "Has Jen hm always had girlfriends, or am I just spacing out?"

James chuckles, "She broke the news to us a couple of months ago we were just as shocked but she seems very happy so better late than never right?"

Nayel smiles, "Yeah, good for her. What's Rose like?"

"Oh, she's pretty chill. She and mom have been friends for years actually. Once you see her you'll remember" James says and Nayel simply nods, "Makes you wonder how long she and mom had to hide their relationship from us" James's tone laced with guilt.

"She's happy now and we're all happy for her and Rose is lovely. That's all that matters" Olivia says squeezing James's knee making him smile and nod.


This is my first time leaving the States and sure I'm only in Canada but as we rode to Nayel's home, I couldn't help but admire the streets of St. Andrews. The houses all started to blend in together but the scenery and the people made it look exactly like a small town from a tv show. Which I guess is exactly what is but still. I can't imagine Nayel growing up in a place so calm and slow-paced but at the same time this is exactly the place I can see Nayel growing up in.

"Welcome to my childhood home" Nayel smiles helping me get out of the car. We stop in front of a white house with a huge garden. The front door was black and it looked like a typical family house you see in the movies. Several cars were parked in the driveway which I assumed were the rest of the family's. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest thinking about how many people were going to be in the house and how in some way or another they will be judging me. Not only am I Nayel's first girlfriend in a long time but I'm also his employee. I'm sure the first thought that pops into everyone's mind is that I'm using him just like his stupid friend Dean thought.

It's like Nayel could hear my thoughts, he wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my temple, "Breathe baby" Nayel whispers, "I can't believe you of all people is getting anxious in a social setting. Just relax and be yourself" He says squeezing my waist and I try to calm myself down.

Olivia and James were helping unload our suitcases from the trunk as the front door opened and walked out a dirty blonde-haired woman, with grey eyes and the kindest smile. She was wearing a purple sundress which was flowing due to the wind. "Oh, you're here!" The woman squeals.

"Ma" Nayel smiles moving from me to walk to his mother who was waiting for him with open arms.

"You cannot go this long again without seeing me okay?" Nayel's mom, Lily, scowls as she pulls away from the hug, "Look at you" She squeezes his cheeks making me smile, "My baby is so handsome" She kisses his cheek lovingly.

"Ma" Nayel chuckles trying to stop her.

"Where is she?" Lily asks Nayel who was blocking me from her. Nayel moves aside and gestures to me and the brightest smile appears on Lily's face, "Maria, oh my, you're actually real" She squawks.

"Hi, Mrs. Jefferson" I smile approaching her, and instantly she wraps me in her warm embrace making me smile even wider.

"Sweetheart please it's just Lily or mom if that's what you prefer" She grins showing off her perfect teeth. Lily was a beautiful woman and more importantly, I could tell she had a beautiful heart.

"It's lovely to meet you, Lily," I say making her smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, you're so beautiful. Nayel was not wrong about you. I have been dying to meet the girl who has my son so lovestruck" Lily says holding me by the arms, eyeing Nayel who was standing behind me.

"Ma, enough" Nayel says scratching the back of his neck a blush appearing on his cheek.

"Everyone has been dying to meet you, come on you two," Lily says gesturing us inside the house. Olivia and James were already inside with our bags.

"They're here!" Lily announces rather loudly as we enter the house.

I gulp feeling like the act at some circus while Nayel just chuckles, "They're slightly over the top I'm sorry but they mean well" Nayel intertwines our fingers together letting a wave of serenity rush over me.

We walk straight into the backyard where everyone was already set up and waiting. I recognize a few familiar faces including James and Olivia as well as Nayel's sister Ella who I met ages ago.

"Nayel" A man smiles approaching us. He's definitely Nayel's father. Same dark hair, same olive skin, and piercing brown eyes. He's slightly shorter than him but minus a few fine lines on his face, he looks just like Nayel.

"Pop" Nayel grins moving away to hug his father, Ben, "You look good, have you been working out old man?" Nayel jokes causing Ben and Lily to chuckle.

"Need to make sure I'm in the best shape so this one doesn't leave me for a younger man" Ben gestures to Lily who playfully rolls her eyes.

"If I wanted to leave you, I would've by now," She says and then turns to me, "Men will always be boys" Lily shakes her head and I smile.

"You must be the girl who my son is so smitten with" Ben smiles at me.

"Hi, Mr. Jefferson. I'm Maria" I extend my hand which he shakes gently.

"It's just Ben sweetheart, happy to have you here" Ben smiles yet again.

"Maria! How nice to see you again!" Ella approaches me with wide arms. I've been here only a few minutes but it's safe to say this is a family of huggers. Except for Nayel.

"Hi, how've you been?" I ask hugging her.

"I'm good, so excited to see you here" Ella smiles, "Hi baby bro" She teases Nayel hugging him, "Hope you've been good to this one" She threatens him.

"He's the best" I smile coming to Nayel's defense.

"Aww, you two are too much. Come I'll introduce you to my husband and the two rascals. Mom and Rose aren't here yet" She says pulling my arm dragging me across the room.

I turn my head to see Nayel smirking while shrugging, he simply mouths a "told you" as his sister drags me across the room.

Ella pulls me in front of a ginger-haired, green-eyed man with a beard, he was laughing as Ella hauled me to him, "Maria, this is the love of my life, William" She introduces me to him.

"Nice to meet you, Maria," William with a thick Irish accent.

"Lovely to meet you, I bet you get this all the time but where's the accent from?" I ask politely.

"Scottland actually" William smiles.

"And those two rascals are Karl and Tim, they're twins" Ella says pointing to her sons who were running around the garden.

"Will, my man," Nayel says approaching us as the two men hug.

"Hey, buddy been ages huh?" William hits Nayel on his arm lightly, "Mr. big shot lawyer doesn't have time for us anymore, need I remind you I've known you since you were a pre-teen" William teases Nayel.

"Fuck off, you're the one who's too busy being a father and moving to England and taking my sister and my nephews, not cool man" Nayel shakes his head as William laughs.

I smile watching this new side of Nayel around the people who he grew up with, a side I haven't seen anything of yet. Right when I think I couldn't be more in love with this man.

"Uncle Nayel!" One of the twins runs to Nayel.

"Hey," Nayel grins picking up Karl and Tim in his arms, "When did you guys get so big?" Nayel frowns, "Who are you and what have you done with my nephews?" Nayel jokes earning giggles from the boys.

Nope, I was wrong. I just fell deeper in love with this man right now.