You'll Die Next

"So, any ideas where to check?" Silvia asked.

"Uh, could you check? I have my hands full." Seeta replied, merrily shoving her face full of Dingles.

"Damn food detours." Silvia muttered to herself, flicking through a couple of locations on her watch. "We got the Richman smoke stop, you wanna go there?"

"You think the gem is there?"

"Well, it's as good a guess as anything else." Silvia sighed, adjusting her hat. "Besides, maybe the stock isn't cleared out, and I can get myself some free cigs for the rest of the game. Ooh, or some really fancy shit. It's the closest to the edge of this joint, anyway."

And so, the two of them hung around the edge of the pleasure district, not seeing anyone else, as they were most likely at the centre checking the other places out.