
Kalea woke up on the floor, her body aching. She felt a cotton blanket on top of her but was on the wooden floor surrounded by shards of broken wood on the second floor of the old Zamasan restaurant. Above her was Leonie in a crude wooden bed, her candy-coloured hair looking incredibly messy. Her head was pounding, and she needed a drink. At least something which could take the edge off whatever happened to her recently. She wandered over to the door, forgetting what she was doing for a brief second, before hearing a voice croak behind her.


Kalea turned around to see Leonie looking at her. She looked like a genuine wreck, with her hair in all directions and what looked to be tearstains on her eyes.

"Are you okay, Kalea?" She asked.

"Pretty bad headache, but other than that I'm okay." Kalea croaked.

"And that's it, right?" Leonie replied, her voice trembling. "Mersache said you can take today off if you don't feel up for it."