A New Life

"Push! Push! i can already see the head! just endure it longer!" the doctor said to the woman giving birth


"Only a little more ma'am!"

"Waaaaa!!! wa WAA!!!" the sounds of a baby crying were heard

"hah...hah... bring him here..." the woman was obviously extremely tired from giving birth

she brought the baby close and and held him in her arms craddling him softly

"im sorry i wont be here for you to grow up..." she turned towards the nurse and doctor in the room

"i want his name, to be escanor..." she was slowly closing his eyes and with the last bit of her strength, she told them to take him to the yaoyorozu family and tell them that she wants them to take care of her child as they were friends, "live a good life...escanor..." and with those final words, she drifted off into a sleep, never to wake up again.


The baby was taken to the yaoyorozu household and they explained that their best friend has pasted away while giving birth. the yaoyorozu's were saddened because they were good friends with them, the doctor told them that as her final request was for them to take care of her child because she couldn't anymore, the yaoyorozu's immediately accepted and asked for the childs name, the doctor said she named him, "Escanor", the new parents of escanor thanked them and took him inside the large mansion and quickly took him to his new room. they set him inside a craddle and ordered their maids to take care of him while they are not here.

And thus, started escanor's new life in the yaoyorozu family.


Timeskip - 6 months later

We can see escanor crawling around the house, he had woken up 2 months ago and god had sent him a message saying "You will get your "powers" at the age of 4, also, you will have complete control over how much in size you wat to grow, or if you want to store power inside you for the time being, like you can just stay in a normal form, like all might's weakened forn but buffer, or you can just allow you "quirk" to always stay active. P.S you are going to learn to control your strength once you get it, also you can summon your divine axe out of knowhere but once you have to physically touch it to put it back in the inventory, no you cant store anything in it, only your axe. and im sure you are wondering, no All For One cant steal your "quirk" as he would just be melted if he tried, but i made sure to make him not able to steal it, and it cant be copied and a clone of you cant be made, so don't worry about that, well thats all, got to go!, and give me a good show while you're at it"

after god was done saying that, escanor got to work, trying to get his body into shape, but he couldn't do all that much because he was still a baby, so he decided to crawl until his limits, which was about a few minutes. this didn't stop him as he kept going and crawling and exploring the mansion. he finally got done exploring the entire mansion, as it was HUUUUUUUUGE, it was (in his POV) like a mile long because of how short and how long he could crawl for, so it took him a long time to figure out where everything was, but after 2 months his stamina had gotten atleast 6x better, so he could crawl for about 20 minutes or maybe 25 if he extended his limits, and if he wanted to break his body then 30 minutes, but he didn't want to harm his body so he went for 25 minutes.


Timeskip 3 years and 6 months

it has been 3 years and a half a year since i have mapped out the entire mansion. i started walking when i was about 8 months old, my 'parents' thought i was a genius, and infact, i had passed high school with straight A's, no B's, and i was always a calm student and the teachers all liked me, i was in the middle of college and i still had straight A's, i was a one smart kid, so of course if im compared to toddler's who werent even 1 year old yet, im of course a superior being, well escanor did say he stood above all races, so of course im going to say it too hehe...well i have more important matters to attend to. i had also met momo when i was about 5 months old, she was just born and she was the most adorable thing i had ever laid eyes on.

It was the day before my birthday and i could be seen playing with momo in my room, my room was giant, even for a adult, my room was like a entire house in a room, so we decided to play hide-and-seek, momo hid while i tried to find her, i found her after about 7 or 8 minutes, she was hiding in a little drawer, she had pouted and i smiled at her, we went done to go get dinner as mom had called us.

"so escanor, what would you like for your birthday?"

"hmm, could i perhaps get a giant open area with like, the most durable materials? like a testing room but for like, insanely powerful quirks, like the most heat resistant metal you can buy, because you told me my parents had heat manipulation and fire manipulation, i was wondering if my quirk will be like a combination of both, so could i please have one of those?" i said while i unleashed a deadly move i created, or more like copied from different animes, the PUPPY DOG EYES< the most deadly move a child could make to get their parents to get them what they want, and my parents were softies and was going to deny me until i used the move on them, then reluctantly accpeted because they knew i wanted to be a hero when i grew up, so i also told them it was training, so they agreed and ordered the building of the area.


"Wooooah!, this place is huge!" i said while looking at the interior of the place i got for my birthday. i thanked my parents repeatedly and they left the room, they got it done in just a day, and good thing they did, a few minutes after they did, i felt a heat in my body, i immediately knew what it was, and let the heat go through my body, speading it all throughout my body and i grew to 1 meter and 60 inches, as im only a 4 year old, i quickly went to punch something and it turned into dust, i immediately started working on how to control my heat, strength, and how to make myself into a normal 4 year old size.


Timeskip - 1 year

I decided to not tell my parents about my quirk, but not, after one year has passed, iv learnt to control my power, althought it took me a few days after i got it to control my size and temp, i needed axe lessions and how to control my strength, but after 8 months of controlling, iv controlled my strength to my 4 year old body's strength, even when im in the buff form, i have also experimented on The One form, its pretty huge, i can stand about 3 meters tall, and the heat thats generated goes out of my control, so i had to learn to control that, so i did it after about 3 months, because the heat The One generated, was about 10x hotter than the day form or what i will call it, Sealed Form, so now, after 1 more month of trying to perfect everything i have learned to control, i finally did it, and tomorrow is the day i will tell them about my quirk.