After the incident with bakugo i decided to go back to the school to pick up nejire and momo, since im faster than the train, we can get home fast, but i make sure to go slower than i actually am, as to not break them both from the speed, as i have nothing to shield them from the wind.
As soon as i arrived i heard them murmuring something, so i decided to stealthily sneak behind them to hear what they're talking about, as i listen in, i hear, "so, when are we going to confess?" "obviously when he comes back, we have talked about this multiple times haven't we? we both like him, and we have known each other for sometime, we can share him right? but no other girls allowed!" "right!" as i was hearing this, i couldn't believe it, they were talking yes i have saved them multiple times but...for them to BOTH like me?! this is insane, i need to wrap my head around this...if they are talking about me then...they both like me? wow...this must be the help of that god right? if it is, then thank you...i'll do a better job at loving them once they confess
After that inner monologue of mine, i headed to the front of the school and waited for them. once they arrived, they looked nervous as they were heading in my direction, i know what they are about to do, so i braced myself.
"h-hey escanor, do you...want to be our boyfriend?!" the both of them said at the same time, but for me, this was too much... they looked so cute while blushing like crazy, i just patted their heads and said, "of course! i was wondering when you two would confess!, after all, i did save you two because i liked you!" i said with a smile, the both of them smiled and both kissed me on the cheek's, leaving me a little dumbfounded but quickly recuperated and smiled more, and picked them up on my shoulders and headed home.
Once we got home, the girls announced that we were boyfriend and girlfriend(s), our parents were only a little suprised as they also wanted us to become like that, so they congratulated us and teased us about when they were getting grand-kids, all three of us blushed, mostly the girls but i did blush a bit when i heard it, i did always want a family, but, as you know, i died, but now i can because of a merciful god. i silently thanked the god that gave me a new life.
Somewhere in a white space - the god who he thanked chuckled and said, "no problem kid."
After the three of us ate dinner, momo went to her room and i took nejire home. i arrived home shortly after i left and went to bed.
Timeskip - 5 years, Age of MC: 12
Today is my first day in middle school, i can see kids entering the school, some chatting near the gate, some laughing, some on their phones listening to stuff, while me and momo were just walking in the building, we noticed some glances towards us, mostly momo because she looked more, uhm, bus-*COUGH* more mature, than girls her age, some boys looked at me in jealousy that i got to walk next to a beauty, others looked at me with envy because of my muscles, i was basically a body builder, but with a more lean type, still more bulky than lean type people, but still looking lean.
Some girls were whispering while looking at me, boys were planning on already confessing to momo, even though they know nothing about her, and her personality, she could be a dominatrix and they would never know, good thing she wasn't though.
We went into our class and sat next to each other, some people got the hint that we were together, others didn't, they thought we were just friends. A few minutes later bakugo comes into the room and is yelling until he notices me, i 'smile' at him and crack my knuckles, he gets the hint and starts sweating profusely, he speed walks to his desk and students stare at me with awe, nobody wanted to mess with bakugo since he was, to them, the strongest person, so him being afraid of someone was new to them, but bakugo knew not to mes with escanor, he already learned his lession, but he still did it while he wasn't around, escanor knew no matter how much he threatened bakugo, he would still find a way to increase his ego meter, so he inwardly sighed and started chatting with momo.
Once the school year ended, nejire came up and said that she was going to go to U.A high school to become a hero, we said go for it and she thanked the two of us for the help and support.
2 year later- Escanor age: 14
As a new school year has ended, me and momo were walking home, i decided to not intervene in the sludge villain attack, as that would make deku into what he was in the show, although i never liked izuku because he never did anything to make his dream come true, like never exercise or even try to learn any form of martial arts. but he decided to let the main story go like usual.
Although i haven't seen nejire as much this year since she started attending U.A, i still cheered her on at the sports festival.
By now, i have recreated all of escanor's moves, in secret of course, don't want anybody to know more of my powers yet.
Super Slash
Cruel Sun
Divine Sword Escanor
Divine Spear Escanor
The One:user gains 10x strength,speed,agility, and endurance (no drawbacks)
The One: Ultimate: The user does not use their life force, but instead sacrifices their entire stamina for immeasurable strength,speed,agility, and endurance, the power he/she gains multiplies their strength by at least 100x, the same goes for speed and agility, but endurance goes up to at least 150x. (the draw backs are like when regular escanor uses The One form, he just gets knocked out but for a longer period since all of his stamina is drained)
Although i will create more moves hopefully in the future, but for now, these are enough.