Bogeyman & Sandman

"With the dawn of the moon, dreams come soon.", I said in the dreamscape.

"I like that...hehe", I praise my own poetic talent.

First, I must visit those Vampire that were live feeding.

I reach out to search for the vampire dreams. I found them easily and entered the dream of Vasyli. One the vampyr that were live feeding. His dream was vivid. He was using a claymore sword to cut down werewolves on a open field overlooked by a gothic castle at night. Between fights he would feed from beautiful human women and be fawned over by vampira.

I rub the bridge of my nose, "Sheesh, so this is the dream of a hormonal teenage vampyr. Time for it to become a nightmare."

I start to manipulate the dream. Behind, all the drained human women are resurrecting into werewolves and ripping apart the vampira. He panicked immediately. From his front, a pack of werewolves that are twice as big and strong are running at him. The new pack is also very well trained and experienced. He is defeated and force to watch the last of the Vampira being ripped to shreds. Then I turn on the lights. He is strapped to a pole and then burned by the sun.

Vampire don't immediately die from the sun, it is a very slow death. They also have an easy spell they can use to walk during the day. So the sun isn't really a danger to them unless they're magic is cut and they're trapped.

He continues to burn in great pain. He won't ever die though. He'll keep burning until he wakes up.

I muse, "Time to cast a nightmare curse."

I specify that the curse will activate whenever he live feeds in school or ends up killing his meal unprovoked.

The book stores the dream in its infinite pages and decide if there is anything I want to take.

I can only think of one skill, "I'll take Vasyli's martial skills. Only thing worth anything in this dream."

Before I move on, I appear in front of him as Bogeyman, blocking the sun and give him a fright.

"Bad children get punished Vasyli." , I do a wide creepy smile with a maw full of rows of needle teeth and black shadowy tar stringing from my upper mouth to lower mouth.

He starts screaming like a toddler. Then I move away to leave and he starts squealing under the sun.

"That's what you get bad little vamp...", I whisper as I fade away to the next target.

I visit the other live feeders and curse them all the same. I got a lot of Ima from their nightmares.

Feeling all the Ima I harvested, "Now I can use this to make my Bogeyman equipment."

Now I visit the other vampire that were just sleeping, lazing around, or playing games. They had a few unique dreams. I mostly got their martial arts, shadow and blood magic knowledge though. It is when I dived into the dream of the big boss that I was surprised.

He wasn't fighting anything, being a star, doing mischief, scheming, or having a sexual fantasy. It was daytime, he was younger, 8 to 10, and staring from afar in a park. His eyes on a little girl whose face was blurry as he couldn't remember. The scene keeps shifting around. He would play with her, talk with her, they even promised to marry each other.

I think, "How cute..."

It seems his family found out after a long while of being oblivious to their relationship. He was grounded and barred from ever seeing her again. They even tried to erase her from his mind. Which didn't work completely. Seeing him constantly struggle to remember her face started to make feel sad. I walked up as Sandman and sat beside him. When he noticed me, he flashed and was now his current age.

"How are you here? What are doing here? What do you want?", he asked me.

"I am here because I am, doing what I do, wanting nothing but dreams. What do you want Roman? I've been watching a while." I say back to him.

"I want to remember her face. See her again...", he says despondently.

I smile lightly, "Well, this humble Sandman will help you out then."

Even though I don't need golden sand to change dreams, I use it anyways for effect. It doesn't take any cost or thought anyway. So golden sand changes the scene to where the little girl is standing front of us. With a puff of sand, her face become perfectly clear, as does her name.

"Selena...", Roman breathes out. He can tell that it is her true face. It trigger is memory so he recalled her name too.

"Are you able to find out where she is, how she is?", he asked me hopefully.

I take a moment to think. Perhaps I could his connection with her to establish some sort of scrying link to see her. I sense how Ima it would take to get a dream scrying ability.

"All the Ima from the vampire, this dream too, excluding the ima I got from nightmares. This could work. I think the ability will be very useful too."

I say to him, "yes."

I get the ability and begin to scry for her.

I set up a 100 inch TV in front of us for viewing. After a bit, I was able to use his connection to find her. She was a 15 year-old platinum blonde with snow-white skin and cherry lips. She was also at another hero academy. Selena was a magi and a powered it looked like as she wore two armbands. A very rare combination.

Roman was captivated by the image. I left him there just like that. He'll be able to see her for the rest of the dream only. I don't to make him into a creepy stalker. He'll remember her anyway. As for why I just faded out, got to be mysterious to be Sandman.