Final Visits

Demonia can be pretty scary, but within the dream I am what is scary.

I dived into my first dream. A male demonia, 15 years old.

I curse my luck, "Fuck....this is an erotic dream, dammit."

The damn guy is way too horny! The hell is this dream? He is swimming in a literal sea of sexy women. My eyes cannot unsee this.

I sigh inwardly, "I've recently started to feel more attraction towards the opposite sex now that I'm 13, but this is fucking ridiculous."

There is nothing useful in this dream. Nonetheless, I go Sandman to teach this guy a lesson.

While he's being shared around, I appear from golden sand and give the guy a satisfying "BONK" on the head with Sleepyhead.

"OW!", he yelps. "Who the hell?"

He turns to me with a bewildered face.

I berate him, "You unimaginably horny guy! How could you dream this kind of dream up. I'm going to curb your horniness to healthy levels before you spend all your energy before you're 40.", I then conjure a Shiba Innu dog holding a FAT wooden club. "This good boy will bonk you every time you have an outrageous wet dream like this again. Keep it modest demonia, for your on good!", I then faded away as golden sand as I said my last word. The greatest bonker was left behind to curb his hormones.

I got the ima, stored the dream in the book and moved on.

Next target was a female demonia this time, 17 years old.

"Another damn erotic dream!!!??", I lament.

"Is this a demonia thing or something?", I ask myself with a disappointed expression.

Maybe I can gain something from his one though, mmmm? Her dream was much more vivid. She was also using some charm magic on some really statuesque men. They take turns, uh, "pleasing her". They were using techniques that looked pretty good too.

"I'll take the the charm magic and the reproductive techniques for the future. I don't want to be inadequate when I'm older after all."

I do my thing, leave a good boy bonker behind and move on. Another male demonia, 16 years old.

I see the dream and nod lightly, "This dream is actually not bad. He's fighting monsters with fire magic. I'll definitely take that."

I do my thing, take the fire magic and go to the next dream. This time another demonia female, 18 years old.

I am intrigued, "Poison magic? A little grotesque, but I'll take it."

She was using poison magic on people she hated. I left a mild nightmare curse behind to curb her hatred. Well, it isn't really a nightmare, more like a dream with a lesson. It still fell into the category of nightmares though since the dream is acting against her still.

"Next stop, angelica!", I say with hope for normal dreams.

I sense for angelica dreams and dive into one. Angelica female, 14 years old.

I smile, "Haha, she is doing healing magic on small animals. How expected. I'll be taking that magic now, thank you girl, hehe."

As I was about to leave, I see the dream shifting into a romance novel with the girl getting noticed by a prince charming.

"Bleehhh," I vomit symbolically. "I'm Audi 5000, bye bye."

Now a angelica boy, 17 years old.

I hum in thought, "Light magic being used to slaughter demonia....Well, I guess there are still some bad blood between the races then, oof. Can't have this guy messing up my academy life with his hateful aura."

I take the light magic and leave a nightmare curse to curb his hate.

Now to do a quick review of my abilities. I got, charm magic, reproductive techniques, poison magic, healing magic, and light magic. All of which are at beginner level, as expected. Stacking magic field doesn't seem to cost too much more either. Same category abilities don't rise too much higher after each addition it seems.

I did a couple more demonia and angelica dreams, but didn't take anything else. I just stored the dreams and got the ima. I did discover that their is a general dislike between them. I did some Sandman and Bogeyman so I can persuade them to think differently over time for some of the more radical haters.

I went back to my own dream so I could make some changes. First thing first was my bird armor. I had made to fit me when I use my wings and I'm out and about in the real world. Now though, I got to change it's design to fit my new style. The armor is now a bronze full-body scale armor. The helmet Is spartan-like, except that the only holes on it are for my eyes. It doesn't have any decoration either. I also gave myself a sleeveless dark gold hooded night robe to wear over it.

"This way, I look more in line with my new style. The bird thing was a spur of the moment design anyways."

Next, I merge my wings with sand manipulation, giving me wings of golden sand. Well, the golden doesn't need to form wings for me to fly anymore though, I can just fly around with a small sand trail. Another improvement, because I can be more agile in the air and faster too.

"Now, I can attend school in ease. I am excited for the welcome ceremony."