
I arrived at the academy library in short time. I started going through the history books first. Specifically, history books with records of monster attacks of an arcane nature. Then I narrowed it down to attacks on children. To my great surprise, there was nothing on living nightmares. The books were all about dream demons, soul snatchers, and creatures of ambiguous nature. Looking through the recorded events, a few are eerily similar in method to Heisythfor. I had a gut feeling that these ambiguous creatures credited for the attacks were not really responsible.

"They were living nightmares. It's just that no one could accurately identify them. They've remained in the background of this world of magic and superpowers through pinning the blame on other monsters."

Once I start thinking about, it sort of makes sense. The living nightmares always fed low profile. Their process of killing was also long and specifically planned out. No powerful magi or powered would check out the deaths of child with years in between each death.

Now I start to wonder, "Where are the living nightmares that succeeded in taking a corporeal form? Surely, at least had completed that endeavor in all these thousands of years."

Then I start to think about something else, "Everything has a natural enemy. What is theirs?"

Well, of course I am a natural enemy. Though, what came before me? Anyways, the sun will be rising soon. Time for the dream to end.

"I didn't even get any sleep this time, boo hoo. Whatever though, It's not like I really need to sleep every night anymore. Time for school."

Later during the day, Violet and I are walking the halls with Bas. We both notice Bas with a slight frown on his face.

I inquire, "Bas, what's got the almighty dragon of cheerfulness looking down today?"

He sighs as he answers, "It's those damn ghoul students. I got a class with a few of them and they're insufferable. They're always prattling on about how invincible they are, it's all bragging with them. It just soured my mood a little."

Violet says, "You know, I don't think I've ever seen them around for the whole year. Not even in the practical fighting classes we all take together."

Bas replies, "That's because they're nocturnal. The class I had with them is from 11 p.m. to 12 p.m. and it's about world society."

"World Society?", I question.

Bas elaborates, "Ya, it's a class for sentients. It just teaches how to interact with the more human society. We don't have humanoid base forms and our ways are very different from mainstream society. We take the class so we can fit in and not cause problems."

I ask, "Bas, what do the ghouls look like?"

Bas describes them, " They have no hair anywhere. Their spine is ridged. They have four long fingers with apposable thumbs and 5 cm long nails as hard as tempered steel. They're tall with most of them a little over 2 meters. Their muscles are very lean, but hyper dense. So they are still super strong despite looking like malnourished gray corpses. They have no eyes, they have rows of teeth like a shark, and weirdly a tongue that can extend to 1.8 meters with barbs on it. Thier diet is carrion by the way. That's about it."

Violet says, "No offense Bas, but I can understand why they're considered sentients."

"None taken...", he says.

We split up as usual and attend our afternoon classes. Violet and I were basically lounging in class since we've completed a full month of homework ahead of time already. The teacher was obligated to shoot us in the foot and gave us a project to do. We were to design a teleporter.

Such a project is normally second year stuff, but the teacher wanted to shoot our feet with 12 gauge instead of a .22 rifle round.

After classes, we both went to our office to do council work. It was after a couple of minutes of silent work that she spoke.

"I've decided on what I want Faas.", Violet states.

I turn to her, "Good, what have you chosen?"

She lists the powers out, "Technomancy and superspeed."

I ponder her choices with a smirk, "What an interesting combinations. I can do it. The powers will be completely yours and you can make them stronger with time. No limit of course. I'll also add a passive power of concealment so you're not detected as a powered unless you want to be. As you suddenly gaining powers is not something that can be overlooked."

She nods, "Of course, me getting found out could be traced back to you. This is a crazy world with crazy methods after all."

I then put her to sleep for a few seconds and influence her mind to dream of superspeed. I haven't come across a dream with superspeed, so I had her have one so I can store the dream and get the power on record. When she awakes, I'd already given her the powers. I use some shadow magic to make the room more private for us with a simple barrier that blocks sound and such.

"How do you feel?", I ask.

She says, "I feel marvelous. Thanks for the powers. Feeling them is so new, they feel like muscles!" She then take a little spin around the room at superspeed. Then she sees a piece of equipment on the ground and starts to manipulate it. She took it part and put it together a few times.

I say, "Let's finish our work here for the day. We'll find a secluded place for you to train your new abilities tomorrow."

She agreed, "Okay, I'm excited about the place you have in mind already. I'm itching to keep using them."

We then went back to seats to finish our work.


thanks for reading