
At the end of the week on Friday the semi-finals were over. We were seating in out lounger when Violet pulled up all who made it to the finals from our academy.

She list them out, "Okay guys, Julia Gunngrave and Akard Tepula are the only ones that made it. Both are vampire. Kalia and Ibis didn't make it. Of course, we made it too." We all let out a collective sigh. Bas perks up though, "But this is still a better outcome than previous years though."

I nod, "Yes, we are doing better and bringing results. Results that will add some prestige to our school. Now if we can win, that will take the cake." Violet then reminds, "Well, no one lese in our grade bracket worries me except Gigatron. That guy has a crazy overpowered lineup of powers."