
Returning to Tokyo, I know that the class 7 heroes will inquire about me. Freelance heroes not registered in the HA are rare and put under a watchful gaze. The HA have aa good policy that makes it easy to register though.

You can register with your hero name, your "costume" picture, age, ability(s), class and an email. Easy peezy. So I went to the Tokyo branch still in my "costume", and walked over to the front desk. A nice cat girl was the receptionist. I asked her kindly, "I would to register anonymously as a hero please." She smiles at me, "Sure thing young man, name, age, class, email and ability(s) please."

She handed me a registration form. I put my name down as Fantasy, age of 13, class 7 power, Dual Matrix as my power, and She took the registration back, and was surprised. She smile at me, "young man, it isn't good to lie about your class..." I flexed my aura to show her I wasn't lying. Her attitude took a 180 degree turn.