Equipment and items

MSS mecha:

For the first ring, we have infrared and night cameras. We added sound, chemical, and electromagnetic sensors. We even have energy frequency sensors so we can also detect magic signatures. Of course, the ring has radio signal boosters. Space disturbance sensors are also a must. This way, enemies won't be able to teleport without our detection.

The second ring will have all the weapons. Fun fact, heroes don't have to adhere to the Keneva convention of 1947. Since heroes fight for the protection of Earth and all that reside on it. Instead of countries warring against each other for material reasons or reasons of emotion.

That means, energy weapons are allowed. So I add heavy particle lasers(HPLs). Such lasers are super dense and are extremely high-energy. Their usage in war is internationally outlawed, not for us. We install an array of them on the ring. Then we add interception storm lasers. Then we add compressed plasma missile pods. We add two mini-battery gyro cannons. Finally we add an inferno maker. The inferno maker is a flamethrower on crack that's laced with ketamine. It is very powerful.

The 3rd ring has all the defenses on it. We have a magnetic field condenser to repel metal projectiles. We have an energy disperser field to disperse energy attacks. We have hard light panel generators to repel powerful attacks and attacks our other shields can't handle. we also have interception lasers. They destroy incoming missiles and disrupt/destroy optics or any vulnerable areas. It also has smart discs with plasma edges that the ring has installed. this is for any melee any enemy gets close. The discs will deploy to repeal them. The ring also has a lightning burst as a close-range AOE attacks to repel close enemies.


Dragon Frames:

Armor suits modeled after a draconic bipdeal