Final Revival Day

Bas went aside to inspect his new treasure chest once we entered the Hallow. Violet and I picked apart at the Hexagram. It wasn't stronger than the supercomputers on the Terra Chroma, but it is better designed. The Terra Chroma of course uses supercomputers for all of its primary, secondary, and emergency systems. Only the tertiary or unnecessary systems are ran by non-super computers.

If the Hexagram was scaled up to our current supercomputers it would 2.7x more powerful. Violet gives me a look and says, "There is no way we're not going to copy the design and make more."

I nod assuredly, "Definitely, we'll even replace the supercomputers on the Terra Computer with this design. At least the practical design. It doesn't need to like a Hexagram."

I then get from the work table we were at, "I also promised Bas an upgrade to the training room. So I think I'll start on the upgrade. Once I expend my Ima, I'll go and harvest some more Ima."