Halloween Clown

In the days leading up to Halloween. There was a news playing in the cafeteria on day.

~A serial killer dressed up as a clown as been active in the state of Idaho. Heroes and authorities alike are having trouble tracking him down too. The Clown Killer has 22 confirmed victims during the last week. In other news, the Bread Ninja has stolen a gold donut statue from Funkin Donuts CEO, Donint Minnuts.~

Mmmm, a clown. If he was a regular serial killer, at least his identity would have been found by now. There are many heroes will tracking abilities. This clown is either being helped or has an ability that helps him conceal his tracks.

Still in the cafeteria, I ask Violet, "So Violet, what costume are you choosing to be this year?"

She answers readily, "I'm going to to be a killer snowman, or a snowwoman in my case. There have been cases of evil ghosts taking over a snowman after all."