First Day Back is Tomorrow

I knew how everything worked now. Well, not everything. I know what I needed to know though. Now I can begin training for class 9. Which would have taken much longer had I trained traditionally. As entering class 9 takes many years for most people. While it may not have as much of a large gap as going from class 6 to class 7, it has an understanding and fine control difference.

Something I can do during the new semester. Which starts in 2 days. Although all students are to return by tomorrow. So Violet and Bas will be at the academy tomorrow.

I practiced until the early morning in my own dreamscape. So my body could get some "natural" sleep.

I woke up early and walked myself to the roundabout that is Infront of the academy. Where vehicles will be dropping off students as usual.

I wait there for Violet to arrive. Bas seems to have arrived sooner than her as her lands right beside and tucks in his wings.