His Eternal Affair

"Ares... You are indeed my best lover."

Aphrodite threw her beautiful body against Ares' sturdy chest.

The goddess fiddled her slender fingers around Ares' neck and acted seductively.

The cheating couple had spent the night together. Ares as usual visited her when her legal husband Hephaestus was busy alone in his workshop made tools or weapons.

Their affair was well known. Aphrodite the Goddess of Love was not embarrased about having more than one lover. Not only Ares; she also had a handsome human lover like Adonis. Her limp and unpretentious husband was considered non-existent by Aphrodite. After all, she was married off by Zeus by force.

Zeus worried that the Gods are scrambled to marry her and created war. he eventually forced Aphrodite to married Hephaestus—the crippled blacksmith god.

Why Hephaestus? Why didn't he marry Aphrodite to His another child like Ares? Although Ares was known as a loser on Olympus, Ares was better lover than Hephaestus.

Aphrodite's anger made her reluctant to be faithfull. She was the goddess of love and beauty. she had the right to shared her love and body with whoever she wanted. No man in this world had the right to claimed ownership of her beautiful self.

Aphrodite wriggled her back and tossed her blonde hair that was wavy like golden silk. She ran her fingers through it. then the goddess of beauty fixed her clothes which were embroidered with silver thread. Aphrodite prepared to return to her palace, back to her gloomy husband.

"I'm getting married, Aphrodite," Ares announced. His almost naked body lay half asleep on his bed. The moonlight peeked in from their bedroom window, illuminated his perfectly sculpted physique.

"What?" Aphrodite responded in surprise.

"Who?" Aphrodite asked, looked displeased.

"She's the princess of Sparta," Ares answered flatly.

"Is she the princess who is said to be the most beautiful in Greece?" Aphrodite looked furious.

"Yes, and I warn you Aphrodite. Don't think about hurting her like you did to Psyche. I decided to get married myself." Ares looked into his lover's eyes seriously. Aphrodite was once very jealous of Psyche's beauty which was said to be beyond her and she planned many evil things to hurt the girl.

"Ha? Why are you flirting with a human even marry her. Why not just sleep with her until you're bored and then leave like you did with your previous other human lovers!" Aphrodite shouted angrily.

"That's my business Aphrodite," Ares answered flatly.

Aphrodite looked emotional, her beautiful face filled with anger. Aphrodite did not love Ares, but all this time the Goddess was sure—even though Ares had many other lovers—she loved Aphrodite. Knew that Ares disobeyed her had made the Goddess felt hurt.

Saw the annoyed Aphrodite, Ares immediately grabbed the woman's slender arm and kissed the back of her hand lovingly.

"My beloved Aphrodite . . . Why should you be sad? You know that I always come back to you," Ares seduced the goddess.

"It's a marriage, Ares. You've never done that in the thousands of years you've lived. The bond was never important to you. Don't you agree with me who not believing in marriage? Why now?" Aphrodite didn't immediately believed her lover. She pushed Ares away from her.

"How if I say I won the bet?"


"Yes, I won the bet and the Spartan princess was the prize. It would be rude to refuse, would it?"

"Can I find out the details? Why is this happening?"

"No, I promise not to tell anyone about this. After all, trying new things is fun. We are immortals, Aphrodite. It's natural that we feel bored. After all, we have been doing this for thousands of years, until there is no jealousy between us anymore. But why are you bothered now?"

"It's a marriage, Ares!"

"One or two marriages in my eternal life sounds natural,"

"She is the most beautiful princess of Greece!" Aphrodite exclaimed in annoyance.

Ares smiled, Aphrodite's jealousy looked slightly adorable for him. The goddess of beauty never lost her charm. her hair was golden blonde with magnificent curls like it had been embroidered by a fairy. Her naturally pink lips looked full of seductiveness. Her body, even though she had given birth to many, was still perfectly sensual.

All the men at olympus who passed her could not blink or avert their eyes. Ares is one of the lucky gods to be her lover.

Aphrodite was willed to bear his child and together with Ares had committed dozens of offences. They do not want to stop having an affair even though they are often blasphemed and punished for it.

Their stubbornness is not just out of love or passion. But also their form of resistance to Zeus' arbitrariness. Aphrodite still holds grudges for being forced to marry Hephaestus. Ares also felt that he had always been neglected and belittled by his parents.

Ares laid back his lover's body on the bed, took a strand of her golden hair and then kissed it. Aphrodite smiled. She still remembered why she was attracted to Ares. his masculinity and charming physique is one of the main factors. He had everything a woman want.

"Why should you feel inferior, Aphrodite? You will forever be the most beautiful woman on earth." Seduce him again.

"I have a bad feeling about that princess, Ares. could you just cancel it?"

"What bad feeling? She's just a young girl from Sparta. She's a human who might fail to adapt in my palace and will die young. I don't expect much from her." Ares shook his head.

"Then? What are you going to do with him, Ares?"

"What do husbands usually do?"

"Sleep with her?"

"That's obvious, other than that?"

"You should probably teach her a lot, so she doesn't die too soon."

"Yes, I've thought about it. I may have sent too many wedding gifts to the king of Sparta. So I can't waste my new wife."

"Other than that?" Ares asked again.

"You should ask your mother Hera. She's the goddess of marriage. I'm the most inappropriate person to ask about marriage." Aphrodite laughed.

"Hera? she can't even stop Zeus from cheating on her," Ares laughed.

"And yes, Aphrodite, you're a naughty wife. You sleep with a lot of men. Poor hephaestus," Ares teased a little.

"His fault for not trying harder for me. I am Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. Hephaestus should have put in a little effort to get me to like him," said Aphrodite again.

"I have to go." Ares got up from the bed and adjusted his clothes.

"So soon? Not waiting for morning?"

"No, I don't want to make my new wife wait too long," Ares said half-jokingly.

But Aphrodite didn't smile at all. He approached and fingered the jaw of the handsome god seriously.

"If possible, don't fall in love with her," said the Goddess.

"Are you serious?" Ares laughed.

"Because of what? why do you care if I love another woman? It's not like you, Aphrodite" he continued.

Aphrodite embraced the god of war. For the first time in decades, the Goddess parted reluctantly.

"Ares, you are not only my lover, You are my ally and the father of my children and we are committed to supporting each other. I don't want it all to be lost." Aphrodite looked at him sadly.

"Didn't I tell you I would definitely come back to you, Aphrodite?" Ares smiled reassuringly.