His Palace

After several hours of awkwardness, Jill finally reunited with Alastair and the other envoys. Jill, Ares and their horse entered the palace of the war god which was not what Jill had imagined before.

The messengers greeted Ares in a half-bowed gesture. Their heads bowed in regret. Ares helped the princess get off her horse then saw them.

"We have been negligent, lord Ares," Lasonas' confident voice seemed to tremble.

"We're ready to be punished," Attica added, looking so embarrassed and didn't even want to look at the princess.

"I should have sentenced you all to death, wasn't my message clear? Protect the princess of Sparta with your life. But my mood was good today so let the princess of Sparta punish you," Ares said coldly.

The princess was shocked when she heard that. At that time she was still observing the atmosphere of Ares palace which was shady and well lit. After wandering for a long time in the dark forest, her eyes felt comforted.

"What? Me?" Jill confirmed.

"Yes, princess. How are you going to punish them? They've neglected to protect you." Ares confirmed.

"No need! I mean—it was an accident and I'm fine. I don't want to punish them," Jill shook her head quickly. She felt sorry for the envoy, they all looked tired and hurt. She must be very lucky because she just sprained her leg while the tough Attica now appeared with her hand broken and bandaged.

Ares then took the princess slightly away and whispered to her.

"Are you sure? You show weakness in front of them. It's okay to be a little tough here. You may need to do it so they Will respect you." Ares advised her

"What? No. They saved my life earlier, when in the palace of Sparta I was almost kidnapped and they helped me escape," Jill explained

"What happened? I made a clear agreement with your father." Ares was a little angry.

Jill turned pale. shouldn't she have said it? She had remembered that the envoys had said there was no need to tell Ares about the betrayal of the king of Sparta.

"That—" Jill thought evasively.

"You were forgiven, but now you owe your life to the princess of Sparta," Ares told the envoys.

"I also want to hear what's going on in Sparta. I hope you're not hiding anything from me," he continued.

"Please don't hurt them!" Jill couldn't help but speak.

"What? Who do you mean?"

"The humans and my family in Sparta, do you intend to punish them?" Jill asked anxiously.

The war god smiled faintly.

"Unfortunately I can't do it princess, if the humans disobey, my job is to punish them," he said.

Jill was silent, his words seemed to remind her that she too was human. Ares would not hesitate to punish her if she made a mistake. She started to get too comfortable because of Ares's polite treatment of her since their first meeting.

She absolutely must not forget his title as the god of war, his age which already reached thousands of years and his non-human status. His way of thinking will certainly be different.

"You better get some rest, we've prepared a room for you," Ares told her.

"Room for me?" She made sure.

"Yes, princess, you have your own room. Why? Do you want to share a room with me right away?" Ares laughed. The princess's face turned red again.

"You misunderstood, I don't think so," he shook her head frantically.

"You need to adapt to living here, otherwise it would be a bit of a hassle if we were in the same room. Aphrodite could visit at any time and—" Ares stopped talking.

"About Aphrodite, she was—" Ares wanted to explain.

"I know about the Goddess Aphrodite, you don't have to worry. I won't mind it," Jill nodded firmly.

"It seems that you are quite intelligent and wise, princesa. You will indeed be my wife, and I will try to make you comfortable living here. But there are boundaries that you must not cross. I will discuss it another time. Alastair! Accompany her around or direct her to her room. Or maybe you want to continue your sleep, princess of Sparta?" Ares smirked at her.

Jill smiled shyly in response. She had been nervous because she had to ride with the god earlier. Jill pretended to be asleep until she finally really fell asleep. Hopefully the way she sleeps isn't too ugly. She was already quite sorry that she had to meet him for the first time in such a shabby and dirty state. if Ares also had to hear her snoring loudly or drooling in her sleep—the god would probably lose interest and cancel their marriage.

Not that Jill hoped to be married, the problem was that she was already at Olympus. She can't get out of there and needs someone to protect her. At least until she can protect himself. Although she doesn't know when it could happen because she herself couldn't even run properly when being chased by a wolf.

"Princess of Sparta, can you come with me?" Alastair held out his hand politely.

"Where are the others?"

"Attica, Lasonas and Argus will return to the residence of the knights after reporting the events in Sparta to Ares. We would like to apologize for causing you any harm, princess of Sparta."

"I know it was all accidental, but do local earthquakes happen here often?"

"No, maybe it was one of Hades' experiments,"

"Hades? Lord Ares also discussed it but I don't understand,"

Hades is the god of death and is believed to inhabit Tartarus—the underworld where the spirits of Greek humans who have died live. He was there guarding it with the minor god Thanatos and the monster Cerberus which was a large three-headed dog.

"The point is, don't even think about approaching his territory. not even us demigods dared. He lives in the underground of Olympus and does many secret things that even Zeus doesn't know," Alastair said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Jill agreed warily. Even a short walk in the forest of Olympus was already dangerous for her. She wouldn't want to go near Hades at all. Moreover, the title of the god of death sounded more terrifying than the god of war.

Jill was fascinated by the beauty of Ares Palace. The castle is arguably simpler than the Palace where Portia lived in Sparta. There were no manicured flower gardens or artistic fountains. But Ares Palace was located in a cool valley, he allowed wildflowers to grow naturally and flourish there.

Jill could see a swarm of bees sucking the flower nectar there. Jill also Saw a natural waterfall with clear water flowing down not too fast. The river was shallow and rocky and she could see nymphs—a kind of fairy creature in human form—playing in the water.

The sun is very bright, but the thick trees act as a light filter to keep it shaded. Jill could also see some of the large fields where sword practice or duels were held. There were currently dozens of Ares' trained soldiers using it. The sound of swords and spears colliding sounded loud, but blended harmoniously with the gurgling of the river water there.

No human should roam the mountains of Olympus. Usually Ares' followers and soldiers were fellow Titans as well as demigods, nymphs, centaurs and Satyrs. They said Jill was the only human to have set foot there in nearly two hundred years.

From the very beginning Jill traveled with the Ares followers, Jill felt they were friendly and kind people. At first Jill thought the War Gods were like barbarians or pirates who like to speak harshly.

Even though Alastair himself was wearing armor and carrying a blade, he was practically immaculate with his hair and beard regularly shaved. The other followers are also decent looking. even Jill didn't smell the pungent body odor of the half-goat Satyrs.

"All the Satyrs who serve Ares are castrated, because only then can they work properly." Alastair was always willing to explain if Jill asked.

Alastair tells that male Satyrs have a high sexual desire. They will chase the Nymphs and any woman for intercourse, the Satyrs are able to smell women who were in their fertile period.

Jill was embarrassed to hear that because Alastair was so detailed in explaining the subject of women's bodies with a flat expression. Alastair could answer anything but Ares' personality. Alastair considered talking about his master without permission to be impudent.

"Princess, they will escort you to your room. All your needs will be taken care of by the Nymphs" Alastair informed. Several Nymphs, who were almost entirely attractive in their clothes exposing their bodies, approached Jill.

Jill frowned, maybe clothes like that were normal in ancient Greece but just seeing it made her uncomfortable. She recalled the story of Ares that she had read before, the God of War once made love to a nymph until she gave birth to a child. surrounded by beautiful nymphs dressed like that, how could Ares not be tempted? Even though they were not human, they were still beautiful women.

"Where can I find the planetarium here?" Jill asked.

"Why do you want to go there?"

"That's because I love stargazing," Jill purposely covered up her true intentions. He wants to meet Hadreda told by Attica.

"I'll take you later. Right now there are more important things for you to do, princess of sparta. Take a shower, you are very messy right now. today is your first dinner with Ares." Alastair said seriously as if he was preparing Jill to go to war.