Chapter 4: Bar fight

Balalaika was informed about what happened, however she was a little surprised that Koko and Valmet were there. She smirked as she had already made a call to a certain person to take care of the new problem.

"I want you to bring those two to me, we should have Koko and Valmet back in good shape...however, Valmet's going to need some extra surgery." Balalaika said.

"What the fuck is going to happen about those two brats?" Revy asked annoyed. "That one chick can't be killed. I shot her, the bullet wounds just disappeared!"

"Revy, calm down." Rock said. "I'm sure Balalaika has a plan up her sleeve."

Balalaika smirks. "You're right Rock, I've managed to get in contact with your old friend..Roberta. I've told her about a job I had for her, luckily she seemed willing to take us up on the offer."

"Roberta? I thought she quit, just to be a normal house maid?" Benny asked. "What made her change her mind?"

"That is classified." Balalaika said. "Don't worry about staying behind and waiting for her. She's on her way to the location right now, you all just get yourselves moving and bring those two with yous."

Dutch smirked. "Sounds like a hell of a plan to me, alright. Pack up and lets take Koko and Valmet to Balalaika."


Scarlet and Nightmare sat in the now empty bar, blood was every where as well as bullet holes. Scarlet snickered as she swirls around a shot glass that had some blood in it, she glanced over to the bartender who was barely alive.

"This is the best you got? I want another, but make it fresh kay?" Scarlet asked as she threw the shot glass at him. "I'm so damn board..."

Kurumi glances at her as she lays on the table, walking her fingers up Scarlet's arm. "I told you not to kill everyone in here, we could've had some fun with them~"

Scarlet looked at Nightmare, as she was about to say something. But the doors swung open, Roberta stood there. Suitcase in hand as she glaces around the bloody bar, as her head stopped looking right at the two.

Scarlet scoffed. "Looks like we have company, a new toy maybe?"

Roberta put the suitcase down as she adjusted her glasses. Not saying a word the maid took a step forward as she reached under her dress and pulled a pistol out as she aimed it at Scarlet.

" does seem she's here for you." Nightmare said. "A maid of all people.."

Scarlet stood up as she grabbed Black Rose and spun it around. "If that's the case, this should be a piece of cake. I want you to hang back, would hate for our unborn child to be killed so soon."

Nightmare giggles as she sunk into her shadow, Roberta glared at Scarlet with a death glare. As if right one queue the fight had begun, Scarlet dashed towards Roberta and swung Black rose at her, cutting her sleeve. Roberta had dodged out of the way as she shot Scarlet in the gut with her pistol, going trigger happy until she ran out of ammo. She then jumped back and round house kicked Scarlet sending her flying into display of bottles.

The glass shattered, as pieces of glass stuck into Scarlet's body. But a cackle had escaped her lips as she slowly stood up, her body started to heal as the bullets and glass started to fall out. "Not bad, you had me shaking there for a sec..." She grabbed some shards of glass and threw them at Roberta. "Let's see if you can keep up with this!" She jumped over the counter as she ran once more towards Roberta, she grabbed Black Rose since she had let go when she was kicked. Grinning widely, Scarlet turned Black Rose into it's mini gun form and snickered unleashing a shower of dust bullets at Roberta.

Roberta scoffed as she held her umbrella out in front of her, opening it up to block the bullet storm. The umbrella took the damage, but it wasn't a umbrella. It was a Spas-12, the maid grins as she pulled the trigger firing the shotgun at Scarlet. Once again filling her with bullets, she pulled out her knife from the side of her shoe and spun around with it. She stabbed the blade into Scarlet, cutting deep into her. She then headbutts the Grimm girl knocking her back, before she grabbed Scarlet's leg and slams her down onto a table.

Roberta then lifted Scarlet up and flung her towards the bar counter and smashed her against the beer taps, causing beer to spew upward making it rain. Nightmare watched from the shadows as she knew none of this would keep Scarlet down, but she was a bit impressed by the maid's strength.

Scarlet snickered as she glared up at Roberta, who was looking down at her. "Kihihihi.... Is that really all you've got? You know for a hand maid, you're strong..." She would headbutt Roberta, but found it not much of a faze on her. "The hell?"

Roberta pinned Scarlet down, her hands gripping onto her throat. She was silent the entire time, like a mute killer who didn't show no mercy. As she choked Scarlet, the flow of air that was left in her lungs was about to come to a stop. Nightmare shot a bullet at the back of the maids head, causing her to freeze in time. Saving Scarlet from a choking fate, which would've been a one way ticket if she hadn't stopped Roberta.


Scarlet coughed rubbing her throat as she had slipped out from Roberta's grasp. "Shit...I nearly died..."

"That would've been bad." Kurumi said. "A fate worse than the spirit bomb. She won't stay frozen like that for long...I don't know how long I'd be able to keep her like that."

Scarlet groans at the mention of the spirit bomb. "Don't remind me...let's split before this psycho goes blood thirsty for more..."

"Say's the Grimm." Nightmare said with a small grin. "But you're right, she's very skilled in combat...not to mention has a way to use weapons, almost as if she could use anything she gets her hands on as a weapon.." She looked at Roberta as she then looks back at Scarlet. "We should at least leave the maid a"

Scarlet grins. "Why how thoughtful of you~" She cracked her neck and snickered. She reached into her pocket pulling out some dust grenade, these had timers on them which was different from the ones she had used before. Placing them down around the bar set to go off by the time Roberta had unfroze, glancing back at Nightmare. Scarlet walked over to her as she held Black Rose tight. "I think it's safe to say, she is way stronger than Nora."

Nightmare would nod a little. "So where shall we go now?"

"Time to hunt down Revy and co...they still have Koko and Valmet with them." Scarlet said as she points to her nose. "I should be able to pick up their scent easily, luckily I remembered Valmet's smell. Tracking them down would be easy, finding out where they went. Well that's going to be hard." She walked out of the bar with Nightmare as she glanced out to the ocean. "They've likely already left from here to meet up with someone who can fix Valmet."

Kurumi thinks for a moment as she walked ahead of Scarlet. "Well, shall we find out where our prey went? Our little baby is going to need all the nutrition they can get~" She gently rubbed her abdomen as she looked down at it. "I know I'm not sticking out yet, but what would be a good name?"

Scarlet walked over to her as she rubbed the spirit's stomach lightly. "If anything. I feel like Marigold is a good name for a girl, but a boy...I'm not too sure."

Nightmare giggled a little. "Ara...are you thinking of what I'm thinking? Shido perhaps?"

Scarlet cocks an eyebrow up. "Shido huh? I mean it's not like we're going to see the actual spirit lover again. So what the hell? We can keep both Marigold and Shido as names until we know, but for now..I have their last scent coming from down the street."

Nightmare smirked a bit as she grabbed Scarlet's hands and kissed them before letting go. "Last one there is a dead weight spirit~"