Chapter 10: The Perfect Villain

The rift opened up above the Cell games arena as Scarlet was hovering over it, she glanced down see Cell, and two others. One of them was All For One, she cocked an eyebrow up as she was confused at why All For One was there, and why there was a green frog.

"Perfect Cell." All For One said as he stood behind Cell and Kermit.

"Oh god damn it, what now All For One?" Cell asked as he turned around to look at him.

"I have came up with a more evil sinister plan." All For One said. "I, All For One wil-" He was cut off from his evil plan speech as he noticed Kermit was looking above him.

"Holy shit, who the hell is that goth chick up there?" Kermit asked.

Scarlet glared down at them, her arms were crossed as she snickers a little. "Oh don't mind me, please go on Skeletor, finish your speech."

"Yeah, no." Cell said. "I don't need any other person showing up during this speech, so I'm just going to blast you out of the sky now." He held his arm up and fired a ki blast, Scarlet got hit with the blast as Cell smirked. "There, now you can continue."

All For One cleared his throat. "Now then, as I was saying. I, All For One will erase everyone's browsing history and replace their wifi passwords with Memes."

"You sick bastard." Kermit said as he clinched his fist. "Now how will I ever get my merch sold."

Cell looked at Kermit confused. "What merch, and why the hell wasn't I told about all this?"

The smoke cleared as Scarlet was still floating there, she scoffed as she glared down at them. "Was that supposed to tickle?"

Cell, Kermit and All For One glanced up as Cell was surprised at how Scarlet wasn't laying flat on the ground dead. "How? I shot you with a ki blast, you should be on the ground right now."

Scarlet flew down as she stood in center of the three, she pops her neck as she glances over to All For One. "Your plan sounds dumb, I can do even better...but I don't need to announce my plan."

"What do you mean?" All For One asked

Scarlet held Black Rose as she pointed her scythe at All For One. "Why don't you find out?" Her scythe turned into it's mini gun form as the Grimm girl smirks.

"Aww she's so fucking cute." Cell said as he noticed the scythe change into a gun. "Holy shit, she's packing heat!"

Kermit looked at her. "No way, Cell. We need to stop her, before she puts a end to All For One."

Cell looked at Kermit as he was confused again. "Wait, what the hell for?"

"Cell, there's a time and a place for explaining...but now isn't the time for that." Kermit said.


Scarlet grinned widely as she was about to pull the trigger, but Cell fired a special beam cannon at her hands causing her to let go of Black Rose.

"Now Kermit." Cell said looking at him.

Kermit rushed over and popped a cap in Scarlet's leg as he watched her fall over onto the floor of the Cell arena. "That wasn't so hard."

"Kihihihi.....ara, you really think that put me down for good?" Scarlet asked as she rose up to her feet as the bullet wound heals up. "Now it's my turn to return the favor to you!"

"What the hell?" Kermit asked. "You're supposed to be dead from that."

Cell crossed his arms. "Step back Kermit." He powered her and put his hands together. ""

Scarlet grins widely as she recognized that move, though she grabbed Kermit and held her finger nails to his neck. "One wrong move Cell, and you can say goodbye to your frog."

Cell instant transmission's behind Scarlet as he was hoping distracted Scarlet, long enough for Kermit to break away. Luckily Kermit did so, Cell smirks. "HA!"

The blue blast engulfs Scarlet as Cell stood there wondering if he obliterated her. "There's no way someone can survive my ultimate attack."

Scarlet was behind All For One as she snickers. "Ultimate attack?" She then walked out from behind All For One. "You call that an ultimate attack? I've seen better."

"How the hell did you get there?" Kermit asked. "Your ass should've been crispy."

"Oh come on, that should've killed you." Cell said. "Just who the hell are you?"

Scarlet's eyes glowed. "Let's just say, I'm your worst nightmare...and there's nothing you can do to stop me, not even the league of villains."

"Uh actually it's the league of meme's." All For One said.

Scarlet glares at him as she round house kicks All For One, sending him flying into a mountain. "Now then, why don't you give up already and come face your doom?"

Zarbon moaned in the background as Scarlet said that, which got her confused. Kermit walks over, he looked at Scarlet for a moment as he turned to Cell.

"Yeah, she's going to be a hard one to beat." Kermit said.

Zarbon moaned again as he was seen standing on another mountain. Scarlet turned around and used her Maiden powers sending some flames towards Zarbon, Cell teleported and deflected, only to get burnt.

"That looked like it burns." Zarbon said. "Let me take that pain away from you."

"Shut it Zarbon." Cell said. "Can't you tell we're being threatened by some goth chick?"


Kermit yells as he throws his arms around. "Cell, she's gone mad!"

Cell quickly flew over as he lands. "My arena! Okay, no more mister nice guy." He turned golden as he glares at Scarlet. "You've forced my hand."

"Golden form? I see you're different from the Cell I knew." Scarlet said. "Not that it matters. I'll burn this world to a fine crisp"

"Over my dead body." Cell said.

"Ara...with pleasure." Scarlet said as she cackles.

Kermit looked at Cell for a moment. "You seem focused for once, should I go get Slick and the others in case this gets hairy?"

"No Kermit, let me just rot here. Of course, go get the others." Cell said.

"Okay jeez." Kermit said as he walks off. "Don't go dying so soon."

Scarlet glares at Cell as she licks her lips. "I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer slowly Cell." Her body glows as she things started to heat up.

Cell stood there with his fist clinched as he glares at her. "I'm going to put an end to your miserable life..."