Chapter 12: Rosé vs Grimm

Black showed up to the Cell games arena, as he sliced of Scarlet's hand that was hold Slick's tail. He glared at the Grimm girl for a moment as he went Rosé.

"Face me....for I will put a end to you myself." Black said. "Better yet, let's see you handle my in my Rosé form

Scarlet grins as she snickered. "Super Saiyan Rosé huh?" She reattached her hand as she looks at Black. "Let's take this to the sky then."

", why did she have to grab my tail?" Slick asked as he sat up. "Damn."

Scarlet and Blake flew into the air, as Kermit had came back riding a stolen capsule corp bike. "Holy shit, they're doing a sky battle."

Cell got up as he shook his head. "Black really thinks he can beat her by himself?"

Slick shrugs as he fixed his sunglasses. "I mean, he claims be to be a you know I do kinda see your point Cell. This should give us enough time to kidnap Vegeta from his vacation area."

"Yeah, I don't think so." Cell said.

Scarlet flew towards Black, as she went to punch him in the face. Black ducked under, and gut punched Scarlet, causing her to puke up blood. Cell and the others had set up front row seats to watch the match, while Kermit had headphones on.

"What a punch." Kermit said. "Black gut punched her like a beef cake, will she make a come back? Or will she die?"

"God damn it Kermit, we don't need your input." Cell said yanking the headphones off him.

Scarlet grinned as she grabbed Black by the leg and swung him down, she wipes her mouth as she snickered. Black flew back up and shot a ki blast at her, which hit her directly.

"Now then, time for you to taste my blade." Black said as he formed his ki blade over his hand and flew at Scarlet. "Eat this!" He caught her in his attack, as he shot pink ki spikes at her before they blew up.

"Hell yeah, he got her good." Slick said. "Nice."

"It's not over." Black said.

The smoke cleared as Scarlet had protected herself with her Nevermore wings. "That tickled.." She stretched her arm forward as she grabbed Black's throat and flew towards a mountain and slammed him into it. "Let's burn you to a crisp shall we?"

Black gags as he was being strangled by Scarlet's hand, the Grimm girl smirked as the hand that was holding Black's throat started to heat up, as she was tempted to burn a hole in Black's throat.

Black raised his hand up to Scarlet's side and shot her with another ki blast, it went straight through her side. But the moment it did that, the wound healed up as Black felt his throat get hotter and hotter, as if he had just eaten a entire plate full of ghost peppers.

"This is the end of the line for you." Scarlet said with a wide twisted grin.

Black smirks. "That's where you're wrong." He held his arm up as he stabbed Scarlet through the chest with a ki blade, causing her to let go of his throat. He pulled his hand out as he pushed her off, and then kicked her down. "Never underestimate a God."

"Oh shit, I think he one shot her." Kermit said.


Scarlet cackles as she got up, she twisted her body as she pops her bones in place. "Is that really all you've got, and you call yourself a God...please, don't make me laugh. Oh wait, you did."

"How is this possible?" Black asked. "You're not human."

"I could've told you that." Cell said as he face palms.

Scarlet flew up into the air as she glances around at them all. "I'm going to destroy this entire planet, and all of you along with it!" She grabbed Black Rose off the arena floor as she turned it into it's mini gun form.

"She's going to blow up half the planet." Kermit said.

"Wait what? You mean to tell me, a pistol can kill you, a shotgun and erase you. And that mini gun can blow up planets?!" Cell asked. "Who came up with that logic?"

"Me." Kermit said. "I didn't think someone would actually have a mini gun.."

"Hol up, she's going to destroy our planet and us with it?" Slick asked. "Where's Beerus and Whis at?"

"They can't intervene with this, nor can they help out." Shallot said who completely forgot lost his hand.

"Shallot, how are you still okay? You lost your hand for crying out loud." Cell said.

Shallot looks down as he blinks. "Oh...right."

Scarlet didn't bother stop to listen to their chat as she fired a warning shot down, which blew up half of the arena. Her eyes glowed as she quickly flew down to punch Slick and the others, but Black kicked her towards some mountains as she crashed through them.

"My arena!" Cell yelled. "Kick her ass good Black!"

Black flew after Scarlet, as he went through the mountains he kicked her through. Once he came to where she had landed at, he glanced around. "Where did she go?"

Scarlet was underground as the Grimm girl could tell Black was above her, she reached her hands up and grabbed his ankles . "Surprise." She pulled him under, as she bit and clawed at him.

Black tried to get some distance, but it didn't help knowing that they were underground. When he tried to instant transmission out, Scarlet would slice at him with Black Rose, cutting either his arm or hair. "You're getting on my nerves girl."

Scarlet was silent as she gut punches Black. She would then dig upward and throw Black out, she chased up after him back to the surface.


"Black's getting his ass handed to him." Slick said. "We gotta help him."

"No, watch." Cell said pointing.

The moment Black stopped himself mid air, he went Super Saiyan Rosé 3 as he glared down at Scarlet. He watched her fly up towards him, not giving her a chance to do much. He quickly charged up his Rosé Kamehameha and fired it at her, the blast hits Scarlet as it consumed her knocking her into the ground as it pushed her deep underground.

"Holy." Kermit said.

Black hovers there for a moment as he looked down into the massive hole he made, waiting to see if Scarlet would come back up or if he had pushed her to the Earth's core. He powered down back to base form not seeing any trace of Scarlet, he turned around with his back to the hole. "I got her good."

Within a blink of an eye Scarlet flew up out of the hole, in her full Grimm glory. Before anyone could react, she swung Black Rose at fast speed slicing Black in half as she grabbed his body with her Nevermore claws and ripped him in half, finishing what her scythe couldn't. She glared over towards the arena as she grinned widely throwing Black's body to the side.

"....We're so screwed..." Slick said.

"If only we had extra help." Kermit said. "Oh if only there was a way to stop her."

Cell looks at Kermit as he face palms. "Oh for the love of....Kermit, I am not using my stand against her. I rather not die, I've been torn in half by her more than once."

"And sat on." Shallot said.

Cell slapped Shallot. "Shut up Shallot."

Scarlet was giving off a eerie vibe as she hovered towards them. Kermit buffed up as he looked up at her, he flexed showing off his muscles. "Ha, you can't beat me like this!"

"Kermit no, shut up." Cell said as he glared at Scarlet. "What do you want from us? Name your price, you can have it!"

Slick, Kermit and Shallot looked over at Cell with confusion. "What the fuck Cell?" They all said it at once as Cell looked at them and shrugs.

"Worth a shot." Cell said. "Maybe she'll leaving us alone when we give her what she wants."

Shallot steps back a bit as he noticed Scarlet descending down to the arena, he powered up to Super Saiyan 4 as he clinched his fist. Once Scarlet touched down on the arena floor, she threw her hand forward as a gust of wind hit them all, separating Slick and the other two away from Cell.

"What I want?" Scarlet asked as she walked towards Cell. "I want power...I want to destroy the multiverse." She steps closer as she finally stood in front of Cell.

Cell started to laugh as he wipes his eyes. "Good joke, but seriously. What the hell do you want? I just want to relax and not have to deal with any crap."

Scarlet growls as she knees him in the abdomen, she watched him fall to his knee's as she grabs his chin. "I told you...I'm not joking, I will destroy anyone who gets in my way of what I seek."

"Like holy shit man, she's serious." Shaggy said as he appeared. "And I was just coming by to get revenge on and Shallot, but it seems I've been beaten too it."

"Shaggy?! Don't just stand there, help us beat her." Cell said.

Zarbon moaned in the background as Shaggy shook his head. "No way man, I'm not getting my hands dirty with your problems. Like call me when you're not busy."

Cell watched Shaggy disappear as he glances back at Scarlet, who seemed pissed at him ignoring her. "Wait, we can talk about this!" He noticed her cock her hand back and balled up her fist. "Not the face, not the face!"

Scarlet punched Cell in the face as she had let go of his chin, knocking him over. She stepped on Cell with her Nevermore claw as she glances around looking for the others, not seeing them anywhere. She took Black Rose and turned it back into it's mini gun form and shot towards the surrounding mountains as they exploded. "I'll be waiting for my answer from you all who are hiding in fear."