Chapter 18: The Ravenous Grimm Girl

[A/N: The following text ahead will be in German to suit the atmosphere of the Millennium Organization in this story arc. If any of the text is wrong it is due to a German translator app I'm using to help.]

The Millennium Organization were on the move, in their blimp as it was not hard to miss as it was large. Also called Deus Ex Machina, it was hovering over London, which made it a easier target for Scarlet to notice.

"Ara, so they're up there." Scarlet said to herself. "This makes things too easy." She dashed through the streets of London as she kept an eye on the blimp. But wasn't really aware that she had eyes locked onto her and watched her movements.

Inside the Machina the werekitten approached the Major. "Machor, ve haffe eyes on ein girl dasching through zee schtreets of London. Arh ! Vould vu like me to take care of her pefore ve broceed to blan on atdack Indegra?

The Major smirked as he grins widely. "Of courze, take zome of zee Nasi fambire's vith vu. Arh ! Und don't fail to sdop zis girl, sche can pe our buppet."

The werekitten smirked as he nods gathering up a good amount of Nazi vampire's before being launched down to the streets of London, where they would face Scarlet. But this was a huge mistake not only on the Major's part, but it was also certain death for his vampire Nazi's and the other members of Millennium.

The Nazi vampire's touched down surrounding the Grimm girl as the werekitten had also landed in front of her. "Halt vere vu are, vu're Hentering zee Millennium Orkanisazion terridory. Arh ! One more sdep, und ve'll turn vu into our buppet."

The Nazi vampires got closer to Scarlet, as the Grimm girl only tilts her head not knowing what was just said. Plus she didn't really care, she was hungry. Her stomach had regenerated back into place after it was ripped out by Alucard, so of course she'd be hungry after all that. Licking her lips hungrily, Scarlet grinned widely as she steps forwards towards the werekitten. "I don't have the slightest clue what the hell you said, but it doesn't matter to me."

One of the Nazi vampire's from behind her quickly dashed towards her, but suddenly stopped as they were slowly decaying. Until they were nothing but a shriveled up old corpse. Scarlet snickered as she smacked her lips together as if her shadow had stretched out drained the life force from the Nazi. Which it did, this was City of Devouring of Time. A move only Nightmare knew, but it had seemed Scarlet had wanted to try it herself.

"Vat zee hell vas zat? Vat chust habened? Ansver me, I vant Hansvers!" The werekitten yelled but of course Scarlet still didn't understand what he was saying.

"Blah, blah, blah." Scarlet said. "Shut your mouth you pig." She grins as she twirled Black Rose around cutting into the Nazi vampire's slicing them in half as she approached the werekitten slowly. "You look like a Faunus with those ears, so I do wonder...what does a German Faunus taste like?"

The werekitten was startled as he steps back. "Ein vat? Vat are vu?" He didn't have any sort of plan on what way to deal with Scarlet, he hadn't thought that someone would be this crazy.

Scarlet noticed this as she could sense his fear, she formed a flaming fire ball in her hand and threw it at the vampire corpses before they could react to glue back together. Not giving the werekitten time to flee or think of a strategy, Scarlet lunged at him and pinned him down on the ground.

"Get zee hell off me, zis Hinsdant vu filth!" The werekitten snapped, but found Scarlet to be too heavy to push off of his tiny fragile body.

Scarlet tilts her head in a creepy fashion as she didn't understand what he was saying, all she knew was there was a free meal right in front of her. Her jaw opened as she sank her teeth into his neck, slowly sucking him dry to the bone of his blood. Eventually she wasn't done there as she slurped up his corpse.


Scarlet glanced up at the blimp as she grins. "The rest must be up there then." She flew into the air with her Maiden powers as she blasted a hole in the side of it, which of course the siren to go off inside. "Well shit."

Nazi vampire's came rushing down the hall towards Scarlet, but sadly failed to attack her as she burnt them to a crisp just in time for snacking. Scarlet munched on them like jerky as she tore them limb from limb as Rip Van Winkle stood at the end of the hall as she glares at the bloody hall.

"Vell...isn't zis Hatoraple, ein little killer is on poard zee Machina." Van Winkle said as she snickered. "Und vu're koing to regret effer Hexisding, vu von't zoil our blans to destroy Integra!"

Scarlet glared at her blood dripping from her mouth as her hands were covered it blood as well, the Grimm girl slowly stood up as she cackled evilly. "Another bug has come to get squashed."

Van Winkle pulled out a musket as this one was much more longer than Nightmare's musket. the Nazi vampire snickered again as she aimed her musket at Scarlet. "It's time to kill vu here und now, vu von't liffe to zee vat ve do afder vinning Vorld Var III."

Scarlet only understood half of what was said as she yawns, but didn't see Van Winkle pull the trigger on her musket as a bullet shot out, and went straight for Scarlet. Coming to her senses, she ran up the wall of the blimp as the bullet followed her, she glanced back seeing it tracking her as she had an idea.

Van Winkle laughed as she watched Scarlet fleeing from the bullet. "Zere's nein boint in running, mein magic homing pullet vill follow vu to zee end of zee Earth!" She was too busy laughing to notice Scarlet was running right towards her.

Scarlet slid between her legs as she stood behind the huntress. The bullet flew straight through the Nazi vampire's skull as Scarlet was unharmed, she knew Van Winkle wasn't technically dead from that. So the next best thing that came to mind was feasting on the vampire, knocking her down. The Grimm girl pinned the Nazi vampire down as she glared at her with glowing eyes.

"Vu vill not haffe me for dinner little girl, it vill pe I vo has vu for dinner." Van Winkle said as she punched Scarlet off of her, sending her flying into the ceiling of the blimp. "Zanks to vu, I'fe kot plood on mein zuit!" The moment she glanced up to where Scarlet was, she noticed she was no longer there. The huntress glanced around looking for the Grimm girl as she was trying to sense where Scarlet was at.

Scarlet grins as she was hiding in the shadows, another ability of Nightmare's she wanted to try herself. Considering how much blood she had drank from Nightmare it did give her some of Nightmare's powers, seeing that when Shido kissed Tohka and the other spirits sealing their powers and taking them himself, it only made sense for her to have some of Nightmare's. She stalked Van Winkle like a hungry shark in the darkest parts of the ocean, her stomach ached and hungered for more.

Van Winkle was clearly angry not being able to sense Scarlet anywhere. "Vere are vu? Schow yourzelf zis Hinstant, zo I can feast on vu myzelf!"

"You were ready to kill another creature, yet you're scared of being killed yourself. Don't you think that is strange? When you point a gun at a living thing... this is what that act means." Scarlet said mocking Van Winkle from the shadows. "You're terrified of being killed, but let me tell you something Nazi this world and in my little game. It's always eat or be eaten...and in your're the one who's going to be eaten by a bigger predator."

Van Winkle turned around hearing Scarlet's voice, but still couldn't sense her. "Zilence!"

Scarlet reached out from behind Van Winkle, and grabbed her ankles knocking her down, and like the hungry Grimm that she was. Scarlet dragged the Nazi vampire into the shadows devouring her.

Stepping out of the Shadows, Scarlet spat out Van Winkle's glasses as she licked her lips of any traces of blood. Her hunger only grew more as she snickered, slowly walking down the hall to the main deck of the Machina.


Silence fell in the Machina, as the doctor informed the Major about their missing men. "Vat? Vu'fe kot to pe kidting, ein mere girl killed our men vith eaze? Zat's nonzenze...zere's nein vay ein mere child can peat mein army of fambires."

"I visch I vas kidding, put zis is zerious Machor. Arh ! Sche's coming schtraight tovards us as ve sbeak, Rip Fan Vinkle hasn't reborted pack to us apout Hubdades. Zee smell of plood lingers through zee air fents as vell." The doctor said looking at the Major.

The door started to be banged on as Scarlet was trying to kick the door off it's hinges. The captain snarled as he put his weight against the door to keep the Grimm girl out, but that was only half of Scarlet's plan. She busted her hand through the door as she grabbed the captain by the throat and dug her nails into his flesh grasping at his neck bones, yanking and snapping his neck. The captains head went limp as his neck bone was crushed in Scarlet's grasp, the insane girl ripped her hand out of his neck as she looked through the hole. Eyeing the two remaining her clock eye ticked as she glared at them both with it. "Tick tock...goes the clock, soon you will be dead...tick tock goes the clock...your time is ending."

Both the Major and the doctor had watched in horror as they saw the captain be killed off with a simple neck break. "Vo zee hell are vu? Vo hired vu to zeek us out?"

Scarlet not answering them since she didn't understand still, reached her arm through and unlocked the door. Walking inside slowly she grins with murder and killer instinct in her eyes, she approached the two as she stops half way. "It's time I finished my feast with you two...but first." She glared at the Major as she tossed a dust grenade at him. Which exploded causing ice to freeze him in place.

The Major froze like a popsicle, while the doctor terrified for his own life pissed himself. Which was bad because one Scarlet had got a smell of the piss. She didn't hesitate to kill him first, she swung Black Rose at him cutting him in half as his lower body fell onto the floor.

"Time to turn you into sushi." Scarlet said grinning as she sliced the doctor into tiny bits as she swallowed those tiny bits. She glanced at the frozen Major as she walked over to him, flicking him backwards as she watched his icy prison shatter. "Oops, I ruined my treat, oh well...I'm stuffed anyway." She smacked her stomach as she snickered. "Though I could always go for more later, so I'll save you as ice cubes." Scooping up the ice bits of the Major, she placed them into the pouch she had as she glanced at the controls and smashed them right as one of Demigra's time rift opened behind her.

Scarlet glanced inside to see where this once was taking her, as she was unfamiliar with it's location. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked through as the Machina blimp crashed down in London right after Scarlet had walked through the rift. Which closed soon after, taking the Grimm girl to whatever next world awaited her chaotic rampage.