Chapter 24: Clash of the Titans - Marineford's destruction

The time rift opened above a island with what looked like a castle on it, but it had people standing outside with weapons as one was on death row. Scarlet floated in the sky as she glanced around at everyone below, her head turned as she noticed a pirate ship approaching the island.

"Who is that?" Scarlet asked herself.

Whitebeard crossed his arms as he looked at Marineford. "Ace is here...I need to save him, before things get worse."

One of Whitebeard's crew members walked over to him. "Sir, we've spotted something in the sky."

"What?" Whitebeard asked as he turned his focus from Marineford and glanced into the sky. He spotted Scarlet floating there, the ship came to a halt at the island as the marine's looked at one another wondering what was going on, and why Whitebeard wasn't attacking.

"What's going on?" The Marine's mumbled as they were confused.

Whitebeard started to walk off of his ship as he glared up still. "Who are you?"

Scarlet smirks as she noticed she was spotted. She descended down to the ground of Marineford as she claps her hands slowly. "I'm impressed you've managed to spot me from down here..."

"That's not what I asked." Whitebeard said as he looks over towards Luffy. "Take my crew on ahead and save Ace. I got a gut feeling this girl here is going to be a pain in my side."

Luffy nods lightly. "Don't die old man." He rushed off as Whitebeard's crew followed straw hat.

Scarlet grins as she spun Black Rose around. "Ara, what a surprise..big guy thinks he can take me toe to toe?"

Whitebeard grins as he glanced down at her. "Think? I know I can, I can easily break you like a twig." He held Murakumogiri in his right hand as he gripped it tightly. "You think a puny scythe like that can cut through me?"

Scarlet's eyes glowed as she grins widely. "Only one way to find out...old man."


While Luffy and Whitebeard's crew was storming towards Marineford's building, they were stopped as the Marine's came charging out with some back up as well. While all this was happening, Whitebeard and Scarlet stood completely still as the wind blew. One waiting for the other to make the first strike.

Scarlet grins as the Grimm girl dashed towards Whitebeard and jumped up swinging Black Rose at him. Whitebeard blocks the attack with Murakumogiri as he punched Scarlet in the gut with his massive hand, sending her flying back as well as vomiting up blood. Scarlet growled as she used her Maiden Powers to stop herself in mid air.

Scarlet spat some blood to the side as she wipes her face, she held her stomach as it ached from the punch. Feeling as if the punch may have damaged some organs in her body, nothing too much her healing could fix. "Kihihihi...That actually hurt.." She cracked her neck as she flew towards Whitebead as she noticed another punch was coming.

The Grimm girl spun around in the air as she sliced Black Rose into Whitebeard's arm, causing his arm to go numb as blood trickled down his arm. "Lucky shot." Whitebeard headbutts Scarlet as he sent her down onto the ground. Raising his foot up, he stomps on her as he repeated this action until he was sure she was unable to move.

Scarlet's aura flickered as she was stomped on, she bellowed with anger as she started to heat up with her Maiden powers. "I will no be beaten so easily!"

Whitebeard felt the heat under his foot as it got hotter, burning the bottom of his foot to a near crisp. He jumped back and threw his fist down at Scarlet. "Stay down!"

His fist collided with Scarlet as if glass shattered, between them. The ground shook as this was Whitebeard's devil fruit power. The entire area shook as a massive title wave was about to wash over them and swallow the whole island.

Scarlet had a murderous look in her eyes as she sliced off Whitebeard's fingers with a single swipe. Blood sprayed all over her as she licked the blood from around her mouth.

"Gahhh!" Whitebeard yelled in pain as he pulled away. "What the hell?"

Scarlet scoffs as she walked out of the foot shaped crater. Slowly approaching Whitebeard as she grabs one of his fingers she sliced off and jumped into the air, ramming it into his eye. She was silent the whole time as she glared at him, poking his eye out with his own finger in the process. She threw a fire blast at him from her palm as she watched his face burn.

"You son of a." Whitbeard said as he bit his tongue. He had one good and one bad eye as he tried smacking her out of the air. Everything then froze as Scarlet had stopped time for a moment, Whitebeard's hand was close to her.

Scarlet ran up Whitebeard's arm as she slashed at his face with her nails digging deep. She then jumps off of him as she blinks. Which resulted Whitebeard feeling blood trickle down his face, as he turned around.

"What did you do?" Whitebeard asked as both of his arms were useless now. "I'm the strongest pirate to ever live. And I'm being beaten by a punk."

Scarlet cackled as she rushed towards him leaving a blaze of flames behind her, she jams her hand into his leg as she dug deep in Whitebeard's leg, ripping his muscles and tissue. "I'll watch you die slowly...and then I will feast."


Silence filled the air as the Marine's and Whitebeard's crew watched in horror at what was going on. Luffy stood there frozen as if paralyzed, Scarlet stood on Whitebeard's shoulder as she sliced his head clean off.

The island was in shambles from Whitebread's shock wave when he punched Scarlet, but now he was nothing but a headless corpse. The Grimm girl grins widely as she tore into his body with her teeth ripping him apart.

"NOOOO!!!!!!" Luffy cried out as his eyes shrank with fear. Shaking in place with the terrified Marines and Whitebeard's crew, they could only watch as Scarlet devoured her prey.

Scarlet grins with glee as she was having the feast of a life time, she was covered in her own blood and Whitebeard's blood as fire was burning all over the place. "The dawn of a new age has risen...and I find myself surrounded by a bunch of prey...all waiting to be consumed by me."

Macro gulps as he hesitated for a moment. "C-Charge!"

The Marines didn't know what to do at this point Smoker scoffs as he charged towards Scarlet as Whitebeard's crew did the same. Luffy was still frozen in place, trembling with fear.

Scarlet swung Black Rose as the blood that covered her scythe splattered on the ground, a devilish grin spreads across the Grimm girls face as she watched Smoker and the crew coming towards her. "Does it feel good knowing you've tried, but all of you will die in vain...a cold harsh brutal death."

"SHUT UP!!!" Smoker yelled as he went into to kick Scarlet.

Scarlet didn't move, within a blink of an eye. Smoker was sent flying towards the HQ, crashing into it. "I'm quicker than you mere humans..."

Whitebeard's crew yelled and tried to attack Scarlet, but the Grimm girl round house kicked each one of them. Knocking them into ocean or near Luffy, as Garp and the three admirals watched.

"I can't help you with this Luffy." Garp said. "I'm sorry." He turned around having his back faced to the battlefield.